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(Bills pov)

I opened my eyes and sat up.
I was in the woods, alone.
I tried to stand but fell back down and looked at my ankle it was twisted, my head was throbbing which was weird because I hadn't drank the day before, the worst part.. I didn't know if Stan was safe.

I leaned on a tree and yelled,
Over and over I started to get teary eyed, I yelled one more time
And got silence in response...
My back slid down the tree and I sat there in tears, if I had a twisted ankle there was a chance he had much worse.
I wiped my eyes having absolutely no intention of giving up on him.
I stood and as best as I could I limped to the edge of the forest.. it was the quarry.
I looked over to the edge, there pacing was a curly haired boy.

A wave of relief washed over me, he was safe, as quickly as I could I made my way to him.

He ran to me and hugged me, he was shaking.
"Hey, w-whats w-wrong?"
He still held me.
"Whats wrong?! Bill do you not remember?"
He looked up at me and I shook my head.
"Actually n-no."

"... We were attacked, they took you and held me back. I had no idea if you were alive.-"
He tried to explain through tears.

"Stan w-why were w-w-we a-attacked?"
He paused and looked down.
"..They thought we were a.. couple.."
I knew well Derry was EXTREMELY homophobic.

"Are you okay?"
I asked,
"Yes, are you- your ankle!"
He must have noticed it.
"I'm f-fine its a t-twisted a-a-ankle."
all he did was hug me,
"I called the others in a panic we were going to go searching for you."

"H-Hey, it's okay I'm o-o-okay!"
We stood there and wouldn't let go until the others showed up.

"Big Bill's alive!"
Richie ran up and hugged me,
"What happened Stanley?"
Beverly comforted him.
"... Just some a-a-assholes."
I didn't think he would be comfortable talking about that, so I took the lead.
"Just s-some assholes w-who wanted s-s-something t-to beat on I g-guess."
Stan nodded.

"Well, Eddie brought his moms huge van lets get you to Richies house, Maggie will help with your leg."
Mike said,
I limped to the car and got in the back with Stan.

Uhm Bill?"
I turned to Stan,
He went quite and whispered,
"I kinda fidget when I'm nervous can I hold your hand to calm me down..?"
Without hesitation I took his hand and held it the whole ride to Richies.
We showed up to Richies and Maggie immediately fixed me right up.
I had a strap on cast and just wore it around my leg for the rest of the day, Stan kept asking me if I was okay or if I needed anything it was sweet, hes like a dog not in a mean way in a cute way.


Hi.. U_U.. bye

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