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"Here's your order sir" I told the customer as I serve him his food. "Miss are you single?" the customer asked. "Yes sir" I told him. 

"Sit with me miss. Lets have fun later. Lets go to my place" he said. "Look, I don't know you sir and if you have more order or you need the bill just go to the cashier. I'll get going then" I told him but he held my wrist harshly.

"Look cute girl. Let's have some fun tonight. You're single so there's no problem" he told me while smirking evilly. 

"Sir, you're hurting me." I told him while trying to get off his grip. "If you listened to me, I won't hurt you baby girl" he told me.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. He tightened the grip on my arm. "Please sir, it hurts." I'm about to cry because my wrist is having some red marks indicating his tight grip.

"Let go of her hand or I'll file you a complaint." One person told him. I'm not familiar with the voice of the person and I couldn't see that person's face since that person is standing at my back.

Sowon's POV

I decided to eat dinner at the XX restaurant. Since the place is good and their menus are good.

"Good evening Ma'am. Table for how many?" one waitress said. "For one please" I told her and she guided me to my table. "May I take your order Ma'am?" she asked and I gave her my order.

As I was waiting for my order, I could see a waitress being held tightly by a customer. 'What's happening between them? Where are the staffs, why aren't they making a move?' I thought to myself. 

I was about to shrugged it off and pretend I didn't see anything but I saw the customer grabbed the waitress by the waist and pulled her closer to him.

I walk towards their table and said "Let go of her hand or I'll file you a complaint". "Miss, look I'm having fun here and do you know this girl by chance?" He asked me. 

"I'm her girlfriend" I told him coldly. I couldn't see the waitress' face. I could only see her back.

"Look, she told me that she's single. Don't even try to save her. I know you both don't know each other" the man laughs.

"She just hates telling her love life to people she doesn't know" I told him. "She doesn't love you. She can't even say she's taken" he told me. "Because I was about to ask her to be my girlfriend."

Good thing there are not much people and I am in disguise. "Now, let go of her hand while I'm being nice" I told him coldly. "What would you do if I don't want to?" he told me.

"I already called the police by the way and I'm gonna file you a complaint." I told him. "You think I'm scared huh?" he told me. "Well take this" I punched him at the face.

"Now get lost and don't touch my girlfriend" I told him. He tried to punch me but I dodged it quickly and punched him again. I was about to punch him for the third time but he ran away.

"Thank you" the waitress said. I saw her nametag and it says Eunha. 'Her name is Eunha, cute name. And I think she's the person who took my order last time' I thought to myself.

"No problem, just be careful next time. Is your wrist okay?" I asked her. "My wrist is fine. Uhm may I ask for your name miss?" she asked. "Kim Sojung" I told her. She was shocked for a while. "Ah thank you miss Sojung, is your hand fine?" she asked me.

"Ah yeah, don't worry" I told her. "I'll get back to work now. Enjoy your meal ma'am" she told me and I went back to my table to eat.

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