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3 months passed and I was no better, I still felt numb but I put a smile on for everyone else. I tried to delete my old life, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, everything to try stay away from it.

The truth was I couldn't. Ashton was everywhere, I couldn't escape. It physically hurt me every time I saw his face or heard his name.

I had heard they had canceled they're upcoming tour due to unforeseen circumstances, I took a wild guess to say I had caused this to happen, but it hurt me to think about it.

The boys had gone back to Australia and I was still in my apartment in cold London. I was wallowing in the darkness that was self pity and no one could pull me out of it.

Megan tried her hardest to help me but even she got fed up with calling over and listening to the silence.

I shuffled around the house in my torn up sweat pants and an old sweater of Ashton's, there were some things I just couldn't let go. My hair was ratted and greasy and thrown in a bun. My skin was pasty and oily and just not in good condition. I'd let myself go and I did not care in the slightest.

My laptop was open on the coffee table and some random website was open and videos were playing.

A voice stopped me in my tracks. I moved back to the laptop with my tea in hand and sat on the couch. I help my cup in my two hands and watched as the video that played was the latest 5 Seconds Of Summer interview.

The camera flashed from the interviewer's face and one by one over the boys. The camera landed on Ashton and my heart stopped.

His skin was pale, the bag and dark circles under his eyes were plain to see even under makeup and he had lost weight. His eyes didn't have the same sparkle as they used to and they didn't seem to focus at all.

I didn't hear what they were saying at all, all my attention was on Ashton, the way he moved his hands to hide his face, how he moved nervously in his seat as the others talked.

The last question caught my attention.

"So you cancelled your latest tour due to unforeseen circumstances, correct?" He asked.

"Yeah that's right" Luke answered.

"Is it anything to do with Ali? Only there hasn't been about the two of you recently?" The interviewer asked.

Calum went to answer but Ashton stopped him.

"Yeah it is to do with Ali, and it's all my fault. I was stupid and reckless and I can never forgive myself for what I did to her" Ashton said, "We were forced to be married as a publicity stunt, Ali was there to clean up my image and get the band sales back on track. And that worked, it worked wonders. She was being paid of course for this, but she never touched a penny, it was left sitting in her bank account never spent and she eventually stopped taking the money. But what wasn't part of the plan was for me to fall in love with her so very quickly. I fell hard and I soon couldn't picture my life without her and I was nearly sure she felt the same way, only I fucked it up. I fucked up her life and my own because now I don't have her anymore, and it sucks!"

Luke put a comforting hand on Ashton's back before he continued, he looked straight into the lens of the camera.

"Ali, if you're out there watching this please know I'm so very sorry and I can never make up for what I did, I love you. God I love you so fucking much, and if you still have any of those feelings left please, can we try fix this. Hurting you was the biggest mistake of my life. I love you"

With the end of his speech I began to cry. God I loved him too. I missed him so much. I shut down the interview and went online. Within 15 minutes I had a ticket to Australia booked. I picked up my phone and called Luke's number praying he'd pick up.

"Come on, come on come answer" I muttered.

Just as I was about to hang up I heard Luke's voice.

"Hello?" He questioned.

"Luke? It's me" I said.

"Ali? Oh my god! How are you?" He said, sounding shocked.

"I'm fine, I saw your interview online..." I said trailing off.

"Oh god, I'm sorry like every interview we do they ask about you and we'll Ashton just snapped and and.."

"Luke stop for a second" I said and I heard him take a breath.

"I'm not mad ok? I'm...I'm...I'm" I struggled for words, "I'm still in love with him too" I whispered.

"Yo-you are?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said with a sigh, "is he there?"

"No. Should I get him?"

"No!" I said a little too loud, "No I want to surprise him, I booked a flight I'll get there in two days"

"Ok, I'll tell the rest of them" Luke said, I could tell he was smiling.

"Just make sure they don't let slip" I laughed, "I'm gonna ring Anne now and tell her"

"Ok, I'll see you soon Ali" he said.

"Yeah Luke, see you then" I said hanging up.

I put down the phone and let out a squeal in delight. I was getting Ashton back. I was getting the love of my life back and it was all just 48 hours away.

I ran to my room and grabbed my passport and my printed off ticket and left them where I could find them easily enough and grabbed my suitcase ready to throw clothes in later.

I checked the time and I could call Anne now.

I chewed my nails nervously as I waited for her to pick up.

"Hello? Ali?" She questioned when she picked up.

"Yeah it's me. I booked a flight, I'll be there in two days"


Dun dun dun !!! The plot thickens. Will they get back together or won't they? That is the question ! Vote comment let me know what you think ! Peace out guys ... Love ya! Xoxo

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