|| CHAPTER 1||

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Here I am standing in front of the carriage outside our mansion as I am about to be married to a Dutch from the north who is rumoured be an "Ice prince" as the place itself is also rumoured to be very barren and cold, well considering the fact that it is the north of course it would be cold. The reason why I am the one getting married and not my sister who is older than me is of course cause she is older than and a favourite to mother and father while I am an outcast. My sister said she didn't want to be married off to the person she doesn't love let alone a person she doesn't know. So I took her place instead and with no choice to decline I accepted.

My mother,father and sister came to send me off but I could tell very well that they aren't that sad to see me live this place. I wave goodbye to the maids and bowed to my family as I finally take off to the north.

As I was riding the carriage my ming was filled with thoughts about the place and the dutch. They say the place look almost haunted and abandoned. I haven't been there my self so I don't know if what the rumours say are true.

It is quite a long way to the north so I took the initiative to sleep until we arrive.


"Lady Belle , please wake up , we have arrive at the north" I hear one of my men say as I slowly open my eyes and sis straight.

I notice a hand sticking out by the door thinking it was one of my men I grabbed it and step out of my carriage. As soon as I step foot I closed my eyes for e few seconds blinded by the sudden light of the sun. I looked around not expecting to see such a warm and peaceful palace. I see rows of maids lined up with their heads down and before them are men in their uniform lined up but with faces looking straight ahead.

It was until I realise I was still holding the hand of my men so I let go but was surprised that the hand Im holding tightened. Looking up I was shocked to see a man with very sharp yet calm features to which I realise that he is the dutch of this household and the man I am going to marry.

"I greet you Lady Belle and welcome you to our household I am Jungkook Wiston from the Wiston Household. "His honey voice spoke to me as he bowed and the other following his kind gesture.

"Likewise I am Belle from the Clareine Household pleased to meet his dutch" I replied bowing as well. With that he let go of my hand and lead me inside the palace as the maids and the men scrambled to do their work.

"Im pretty sure you are tired from the trip so I would appreciate it if you would rest for now and we could see each other on dinner. I will have your personal attendants tend to you as well so if there is anything you need feel free to ask them. "He spoke and left me their to go somewhere.

A few maids came with me to my chambers and prepared a bath for me helping me bath. After that I was clothed in a lavender coloured dress that had lace on the ends of the sleeves on my wrists as well as the top of the dress I was wearing a skirt petticoat underneath to give it shape . I was sitting on my vanity as my personal maid Rose combs my hair. The silence filled my minds with thoughts again on how the rumours were far from true. This place is very warm and bright there were lots of flowers at front.

I decided to roam the palace for the time I have before dinner and gave myself a little tour. I found myself in front of the palace garden and I was awed at how gorgeous and colourful this looks. All kinds of flowers were present and I took my time to look at each of them smelling some in the process.

I saw a fountain in the middle with a tea area in front so I took a short rest and close my eyes as I listen to the water flowing in the fountain and the birds singing giving me a sense of cal and tranquil.

"You seem to be fine" a sudden voice spoke behind me startling me a little "I came to check on you and see how you're doing but Im glad you're doing great" His dutch spoke to me and sat in front of me.

"You have a really great place here especially this garden contrary to what the rumours say His dutch" I said to him and smiled as well making me realise how he is kind and calm not like the rumours say about him.

"I get a lot of compliments about this garden from guests. But please call me Jungkook lets drop the formalities" he looked at his garden and then looked at me and smiled " its about time for dinner would you like to have it here instead?" He asked

" Id very much like to Jungkook" I replied to which he just smiled and ordered his maids to prepare for dinner here. There was silence between us after that which I gladly accepted as it was comfortable.

The food was placed on the round glass table and we began to eat in silence, not that I mind. I took the rime to actually scan his features discreetly noticing that he has a scar on his cheek which I decided not to ask about. He looked good, too good on his blue dress shirt tucked into his black pants with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I wonder why those rumours of him being hideous was even made.

"We still have a week before our marriage is officially held so I would like to use that time to get to know each other what do you say?" He asked wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I agree I would like to keep things professional between us and it would actually be great to get to know each other I never know you might actually be a dog lover" I said not really taking it into a joke but was surprised when I i heard his soft laughter.

After that we ate in silence again and he offered to personally escort me back to my chambers which I gladly accepted.

The walk to my room was quiet, I didn't deem myself close to hime to start conversations unless necessary.

"Well then good night and thank you for troubling yourself to bring me here" I said bowing to him and entered my room hearing a faint goodnight from him too.

Well not so much for my first day here, what shall I do tomorrow?


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