・˚:⋆* Leatherface・˚:⋆*

Começar do início

"Franklin?!" I called out again, and I heard the same gurgling. I picked up the flashlight, which I could see had a small splotch of red on it. "Oh, god," I breathed in, trying to fight the urge to throw up. Something happened to Franklin, and I could feel it in my gut. 

"Franklin?" I called again, not even bothering to be quiet this time. I moved the flashlight to look all around me. I stopped moving when I saw a tipped over wheelchair, with a body laying with it. "Franklin.." I rushed to his side, falling on my knees. I used a hand to shift his body a little, so he was now looking up at me. 

The gurgle came again, and I saw blood trailing out of his mouth. "I'm so sorry..." I looked at his body with more attention, seeing a large gash cut through his stomach and chest. In it, I could see blood, bone, and guts. 

I shut my eyes and looked away from him, not wanting to see his body anymore. My greatest friend was dead, and that meant Jerry, Kirk, and Pam. But Sally couldn't be dead, her body wasn't lying around.

I stood from the ground and started walking, using the flashlight to guide myself through the trees, despite not wanting to leave Franklin's side. I needed to find Sally so we could get the hell away from this place.

After a few minutes, I saw lights that came from a house, which could be my help. I ran up to the house quickly, and knocked on the door, before noticing that it had been cut through with something.

Before I could turn around, someone answered. "I thought you was in a hurry," he said. "Oh, fuck." The hitchhiker from earlier today was the one who answered. When I turned around to run, his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into the house.

"We have another guest!" He shouted, laughing loudly. He dragged me into a room just by the door, where there was a large table with three people sitting at it. One on the end being Sally. "Sally!" I yelled her name, but her head hadn't lifted up.

"Bubba, get another chair for our guest," one of the two other men that sat said. The other got up from his seat, and when I got a better look at him, I noticed that his face wasn't his own, his was sewn on. It was a womans, and it had been coated in pink blush and blue eye shadow.

"Why's he wearing someone else's face?" "Because he's ugly," the hitchhiker laughed, just as the man with the face came back into the room with a chair, despite there already being some at the table. He also carried a plate full of food and a few small ropes. He set the food down on the table and walked over to me and the hitchhiker. 

I was sat down in the chair and tied up with the ropes he was holding before. As the two men took their seats, I looked around the room. The overhead light was covered in small faces, and there was a skeleton hanging along the wall. "You killed Franklin, didn't you?" I asked, barely wanting to lift my head. "Bubba killed all yer friends, silly. Except for her." The hitchhiker pointed to Sally. 

"They didn't do anything to you." I looked over at Sally next, wanting her to get up so we could escape from these people. "Sally, wake up. Wake the FUCK up, Sally!" I yelled at her, but she still didn't budge, until the hitchhiker threw his glass of water at her from across the table. She finally woke up as the water ran over her.

"Sally?" Her eyes flashed all around the room, taking in every detail of what was in front of her. "Sally-" She started screaming loudly, and the hitchhiker and 'Bubba' joined in, mocking her cries. 

"Shut up!" The older man yelled at the two after about a minute until they stopped. "We should feed our guests," he smiled toothily, and the hitchhiker smiled over at me. He grabbed a fork from the dish that sat in front of me and stabbed into the meat, holding it up in front of me. "Open your mouth," he laughed, and I willingly listened, not wanting to know what would happen if I didn't. 

He placed the meat into my mouth, and I bit into it. It tasted like chicken. "Who'd we have for dinner tonight, Bubba, eh?" Bubba pointed at me, and I could see him laughing behind his mask. "Your girl friend, the one with the red shorts." I spat out the 'food' and leaned my head down to get the taste off my tongue by licking my shirt. I just tasted one of my friends.

Sally screamed again, and that roweled up the two men again. They both walked over to her, the hitchhiker touching all around her face and Bubba her hair.

She started yelling at the older man that he can 'make him stop.' "He's just a cook!" The hitchhiker and the older man started an argument, but I ignored it as I looked at Bubba, who had started getting close to Sally again. 

"Bubba!" I yelled, and he cocked his head. I could see his eyes through his mask darting towards me. "Bubba," I said again, further gaining his attention. "You can take off my face." I told him, and he crossed the table behind Sally to come towards me. 

He stared at me before gripping onto the chair I was in and pulling it backwards, away from the dinner table. He took me into a room with red walls, skulls plastered all over them. On the floor, I saw a mallet lying in a pool of blood. 

I lifted my eyes and watched as the man first slammed a sideways metal door shut, then leave to grab something. When he came back, I saw in his hands someones face and needles and thread. "You're not gonna kill me?" I questioned, seeing his intention with the objects. He shook his head violently to answer me. "Oh.."

I saw his fingers fumble around with the needle and thread. "Let me help." I offered, before motioning to one of my hands. Hesitantly, he stepped forward and untied one of my hands, putting in it the needle and thread. Despite my other hand still being tied up, I used it to slip the thread through the small hole.

When I finished, I handed it back to the man, who now, for some reason, looked like he could've been having second thoughts. 

He stared me down for about a minute before leaning forward to untie my other hand. I looked up at him, before sitting up from the chair. 

"Suh..tay," he spoke up, the word barely coming together. I hesitantly nodded my head, sitting back down in the chair. 


This was so long already soooo I'll make a part two to conclude it, but..yk. Also I haven't updated in like two weeks, so I'll publish something soon to make up for that. BUT I love the texas chainsaw massacre a bit too much and I've noticed that a lot of people like to write about the 2003 version (which i think is terrible) but the original has all of my love and adoration so here this is. Anywayssss I hope you have a great day/night, bye <3

𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑 ⇢ ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora