Chapter 10 - I found her.

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(Rico's house)

Gabrielle's pov

I could barely move anymore. Everything hurt, I could barely talk after he punched me in the throat. He came storming in and tied my hands to the bed.

"Right, I have had enough of this, time to make you mine" Rico said.

"Please no. Stop don't do this he was going to rape me. Stop." I screamed at him he didn't listen he just punched me and put pressure on my wound where he stabbed me. I screamed in pain he laughed at me. He punched me again and again till I fell unconscious.

Rico's pov

I have had enough, I don't care if she doesn't want to be mine, no one is going to stop me from fucking her. I stormed into the bedroom she was in and tied her hands to the bed. She knew what was going to happe and started screaming for me to stop.

"Right, I have had enough of this, time to make you mine" I said.

"Please no. Stop don't do this he was going to rape me. Stop." She screamed at me I didn't listened I just punched her and put pressure on her wound where I stabbed her. She screamed in pain I just laughed at me. I punched her again and again till I fell unconscious. Stupid bitch I thought. 

Rape warning, don't read if you don't like

I slowly undressed her and then my self. I was going to put a condom on but I thought fuck it. I pounded into her groaning at feeling her inside again. I missed the feeling. I left kisses down her body from her jaw to er neck to her chest and breasts all the way down to her prized possession. I kept pounding into her over and over although she's unconcious, she knew I would never let her go. I kept pounding into her. Although she was unconcious I still wanted to pleasure her before I came, I pilled ot and started fingering her over and over. Then I started eating her out imagining her moaning. Then I pounded back into her and before I could cum inside her, I heard my door pen. I turned aound, I saw the avengers and they looked fuming at me.

"Oh shit" I said.

"Oh shit indeed." One of them replied. Then I was knocked out.

Steve's pov

We are coming princess I said to myself. As the jet landed, I said to everyone 

"Ready? Everyone got their weapons and knows the plan?" I said. We all got out the jet ready for a fight. 

We all split up into groups. Wanda, Peter and Bruce was with me and the others split into two groups. We killed all the guards on the outside of the building and on the inside of the building. We spent half an hour looking around all the rooms for our baby Gabriella. Suddently I felt pain a burning sensation through my soulmark as did the others as we held our necks in agony. 

"Come on guys. We have to keep going and find Gabrielle" I said others nodeded in agreement.

 Finally 10 minutes later, we found the last door in the building a white one we opened it and saw our baby on the bed being raped by what I ssumed was Rico.

"Guys I found her, I found her" I shouted and they all joined me in the room fuming as they saw what Rico was doing to our baby. We cleared our thoats and he turned around and looked at us.

"Oh shit" He said.

"Oh shit indeed" Not Bruce but the Hulk said and knocked him out cold.

I picked our baby girl up and she stirred slightly and woke up 

"Guys is that really you?" She asked. What the fuck was wrong with her voice? Why couldn't she speak properly?

"Yes baby, its us its really us." Peter  said.

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