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(Peeta POV)
Finnick and I have decided to take a trip to North Carolina to see if we can get any information on this person who is harassing my family. We don't know if we could be walking into a big set up and I have a feeling we are.
Katniss is out of the hospital and we are all back in our home. She's dreading tomorrow, which is the day we leave for North Carolina.
"But what if it is a set up?" I am packing my things while she sits on the bed with the girls.
"If it is and they are here, then you'll have your dad here to protect you." I look up at her and her face has dropped and there are tears coming out of her eyes.
"Hey, don't cry." I get up from my position and walk over to her. I place my hands on each side of her face and tilt it towards me.
"Everything is going to be just fine." I kiss the top of her head.
"I just wish that for once we could have some peace and quiet." I sit down by her and wrap my arms around.
"Once this is all over I promise we will have peace and quiet." She buries her head in my chest and cries.
"It'll all be over real soon, Darling." I look over at the girls. They look as upset as Katniss is.
"I think you're upsetting the girls," I whisper into her ear. Her crying starts to seize.
"I think they don't like to see you upset." I kiss her head again. She looks over at them and a small smile appears on her face. She scoops them up into her arms and their smiles instantly grow, so does Katniss'.
"They haven't even been here that long and there is so much drama in their lives," she whispers really quietly, almost so the girls can't hear what she's saying.
"They don't have a care in the world about that stuff. They only care about you and me." I tickle Sophie's neck and she giggles and grabs hold of my finger.
"I'm gonna miss them so much." Sophie sticks my finger in her mouth and starts sucking on it. Willow is too focused on the swaying of Katniss's hair to be jealous of Sophie right now.
"Look at Willow." I laugh at her concentration on her hair.
"She's like a cat getting ready to pounce." She sticks her hands up in the air in attempt to catch Katniss's braid. Katniss picks her up and let's her grab hold of her braid. Willow tugs and pulls as hard as she can on her braid.
"Does it hurt?" I ask Katniss.
"No, not at all." Willow's having a blast.
"This is what I want, Peeta." I look up at Katniss.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I want to sit here with the girls, with you, and not have to worry about what might hurt us. I want us to have a life free of drama and worry." I press a small kiss onto her lips.
"We'll have it soon, I promise." I hug her tightly, while the girls lay in front of us giggling.
"I have to finish packing." I get up and put the remaining things into my suitcase. We will be there for three days which, in my opinion is too many days.
"Katniss, did you know anyone there that could've done this?" I look over at her.
"There's a girl, named Cashmere. She was always witty and clever." I nod.
"Anyone else?" She thinks for a few minutes before speaking up again, "she wouldn't be a suspect, but she would sure be helpful. Her name is Mags and she works at the small café." I nod once again.
"After I get home, I am spending every minute helping you with the girls and being there with you." I walk over to her and hug her tightly.
"I feel like I'm being such a bad father and husband." She pulls me away.
"Peeta Mellark." She looks at me in disbelief.
"I'm serious, Katniss." I look at her straight in the eyes.
"Peeta, you ran out in the freezing cold and rain to find my father and I. You've done so much for the girls and me. Don't ever say that you feel like a bad father ever again."
"I'm sorry, Katniss." She looks up at me with more tears in her eyes.
"I shouldn't have snapped at you like that," she takes me hands in hers.
"It's true though. You are an amazing husband and father. Any wife or daughter would be so great full for such a man like you." I hug her tightly.
"I love you so much, Katniss."
"I love you too, Peeta." I kiss her again.
She goes to shower and I occupy the girls. They really enjoy attention from us, Willow hates attention from other people though.
"I'll be back real soon," I tell the girls and kiss their heads.
We don't trust keeping the girls cribs in another room so we keep them right by our beds. I lay down next to Katniss and pull her close to me.
"Soon we'll find our happily ever after." I whisper in her ear.
If this didn't kill your feels, then I don't know what will.
Monday: A Long Way From Happily Ever After (sequel to You Saved Me)
Tuesday- A Million Miles Away.
Wednesday: The Inevitable
Thursday: Crossed Roads
Friday: Found
Saturday and Sunday: Revising You Saved Me.

A long way from happily ever after (sequel to you saved me)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin