Chapter 9 - Who is that?

Começar do início

Gabrielle's pov

It has been 2 weeks already since I last saw my mates, I miss them so much. I woke up in so much pain, I barely made it to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I had bruises all on my face and my chest and down my ribs. I am pretty sure Rico broke 3 of my ribs and sprained my arm. I just want to go back to my mates, I hate it here and I am so scared of Rico, I never know what he was gonna do next.

Just as I sat on the bed, Rico came in

"Hello angel, ready to take up my offer?" He said

"No I never will your piece of shit" I said.

He came over and slapped me then punched me in my stomach till I was on the floor holding my stomach. Then he punched me in the throat and stabbed me in my side with something sharp. Then he walked out, the last thing I saw was my blood and then I fell unconscious.

Tony's pov

We were setting up the equipment and I fell to the floor in pain my whole body aching me. I groaned in pain as I felt something sharp stab me in my side. Everyone came running to me.

"What's wrong Tony?" Natasha said till she and the rest of my mates dropped in pain for the next ten minutes. It finally stopped, our soulmarks started burning we looked at Gabriella's and it was starting to fade. She was dying and we didn't have much time left we had to find her. We finally set up the equipment and we plugged in Steve's phone so Riri and Dave could hear the conversation. 

"Hello, Gabriella where are you? Are you ok? Where's Riri and Dave?" Steve asked.

" I'm at club infinity, I'm scared Steve I just heard a noise in the alley, and Riri and Dave are drunk in the club." She responded

"Okay we are on our way go back in the club and we'll find you ok?" He said.

"Can you please stay on the phone till you arrive here? She pleaded.

"I wouldn't have it any other way baby" He calmly stated.

 Then we heard "Hi baby cakes miss me?" 

"Answer me when I'm talking to you, you slutty bitch" Rico said

"Princess are you there?" Steve worriedly asked

"Oh so your boyfriend is on the phone?" Rico seethed.

"Play it again" Dave and Riri said. 

Riri then looked at Dave with a scared expression on her face and Dave did the same to Riri.

"Is that who I think it is?" Riri said to Dave

"I think so." Dave replied

Riri ran to the bin and started throwing up, Wanda held her hair up for her. Twenty minutes later after she finished she came back and said

"If that is who we think it is, Gabriella doesn't have much time left and by the time you get there she will already be gone." She walked off crying to the bathroom. 

Everyone was getting frustrated they didn't tell us who it was.

Bucky's pov

"Who? Who has our baby doll?" I said.

"Fucking tell us." Loki shouted

"I will kill them." Boomed Thor.

"One last time who has our baby girl?" I said.

Pietro said "What the fuck doe she mean she doesn't have much time left and she'll be gone by the time we get there?"

"Rico Martinez is her ex search him up and see how bade he is" Dave said and with that he left to go find Riri.

We searched him up and were horrified at what we read.

Gabriella Charlton a young , innocent, sweet, beautiful mixed race girl almost beaten to death by her ex Rico Martinez. She came home one night stabbed and broken bones barely walking only crawling to her house. Rico was arrested for  physical assault, (raping) sexual assault, and attempted murder. He was sent to jail for 5 years as he was still a minor.

After reading that we were fuming we were gonna kill him. We are coming for you baby girl. It has also been three weeks since she went missing. We all miss her so much. We spent hours trying to find his location.

Steve said "Guys over here, I found him he's based in Italy but his house is surrounded by guards.

Tony replied "Oh don't worry about that we are getting in and saving our angel."

We all got our weapons and costumes ready and got on the jet ready for battle.

Authors note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Anyway, till next time;)

Mated to the avengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora