Leaving You

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(A/N: there are going to be mentions of self harm and attempted su!c!de so if either of those are a touchy subject for you or make you uncomfortable please skip this! I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable, anyways enjoy! <3)

Dom's POV~
I'm going to do it, i'm going to confess my feeling to Kat. Am I nervous? Hell yeah! But i don't think i can hide it much longer, i'm on the way to her house right now and i'm thinking of every possible outcome, all of them bad.

I arrive after a 10 minute drive and i swear my heart is about to fly out of my chest. Recently Kat and Ray got a divorce, it was a mutual agreement and they are still great friends. Should i do this? I don't know but too late to turn back now.

I knock on the door and Kat opens it, as soon as she sees me her faces lights up. "Hey Dom! What are you doing here?" She asks, i think she noticed how nervous i am because her face shifts from a happy and curious one to a concerned look.

"Oh i just wanted to tell you something.. it's not bad just something i have to get off my chest." 'Before i lose my sanity' I think to myself. I swear Kat can hear my heart racing.

She opens the door more silently telling me to come in. We sit on her couch and we sit there in silence for about a minute before she speaks up. "So Dom, what did you want to tell me?" She asks genuinely curious.

I take a deep breath before answering. "Ok so Kat i'm just going to say this before i lose all confidence," I take another deep breath and continue "oksoireallylikeyouandineededtotellyoubutidontknowhowyouwouldreact!" I say in one breath.

"Woah there Dom! Slow down I didn't understand any of that." She says laughing, making me chuckle slightly. "Ok, so I really like you but i never have the guts to tell you because i didn't know how'd you react." I say looking down at my hands.

"Oh wow.. moto what i was expecting," She says, i already know i'm going to get rejected but she's not done so i have to just sit here and wait for her to continue. "Umm, how long did you know..?" She asks genuinely curious. 'God i should've kept my mouth shut' I mentally scold myself.

"A few years now.." I say and i internally slap myself, i could've at least lied and said a few months. But no! I had to tell the truth!

"Oh wow.. um... wow," She says and chuckles slightly. "I don't know what to say," 'I already know where this is going and i don't think i want to hear the rest of this' I think to myself.

"Yeah.." I say not knowing how to continue the conversation. I already know she's trying to come up with a nice way to reject me.

"Wow Dom.. does- does Mel know?" 'Of course Mel knows! Who else would i tell?!?! Ray?!!?'

"Yeah.. she actually kinda helped me figure it out." I say twiddling with my thumbs.

"Oh.. god i don't know what to say." 'Of course you don't Kat, why can't you just reject me so i can go home.'
"Look Kat, you don't have to pretend you don't know what to say to try and come up with a nice way to reject me, i already know what you're thinking now if you don't mind I told Mel i would meet up with her after i talked with you." I say and get up. I look back at Kat quickly and she looks shocked but also a tiny bit relieved. I may or may not have lied about having to go meet up with Mel. I just wanted to get out of there.

Kat's POV~
I'm shocked to say the least. How did i not know my best friend liked me?!!? What do i do now? I don't think i can live a life without Dom i mean, she IS my best friend! But she might not want to be around me anymore. God Kat what did you do?!!? I decided to text Mel and ask her what to do. I know Dom lied about having to go meet up with Mel.

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