I miss her.

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Mako's POV:

It's been four days since Korra and Asami went on their vacation. Mako was in his office. He did some paper work. Since Wu decided to give up his throne he didn't need a bodyguard. So Mako got his job back. His arm still hurt so he couldn't do the hard work. After two minutes someone knocked on the door.

''Come in.''

''Hey Mako. Need some help?''

It was Bolin. Since he didn't worked for Kuvira anymore he was usually around The Police Station or he was with Opal.

''No thanks.''

''Is there really nothing I can do for you?''

Mako let out a deep sigh.

''Bolin I think you need to search for a new job. Since we saved Republic City you don't have anything to do.''

''Yeah you're right. I guess I should go search for a new job. I don't know where to begin.''

''Maybe you can join the police? I am sure Chief Beifong will let you work here.''

''Great idea bro. I always wanted to help people and this is the best place to work.''

Bolin ran towards the door and left. 

''I wonder what Korra is doing now?''

After five minutes someone knocked at the door.

''Bolin did Beifong fire you at her office?''

''Excuse me sir.''

''Oh Masami I thought you were my brother Bolin.''

A beautiful young tall woman with black hair and golden eyes was standing next to the door.

''Sir can I help you? It's really hard to work with that arm.''

''No thanks. I am fine. And I told you to call me Mako and not sir.''

''Yeah sorry Mako. I came here to ask you something. Today is my birthday and now I am finally 22 years old. And I was wondering if you and I wil go to a restaurant tonight?''

''Sounds perfect. I will pick you up Masami.''

''Thanks. See you later.''

She walked to the door and then she was gone.

''I also went with Korra to a Water Tribe restaurant on her birthday. Wait why am I thinking about her?''

A few seconds later Bolin showed up and run to Mako.

''Mako! Guess what? I got the job! Woohoo!''

''Great! And I have a date.''

''So the old Mako is finally back. With a new lady. So who is your date?''


''You mean that hot Fire bender chick?''

''Yeah. She came her one minute ago and she told me it was her birthday. And then she asked me on a date and I know she likes me so that's why I said yes.''

''You're still not over Korra?''


''Mako you need to move on. I heard from Varrick that Korra and Asami are a 'thing' now.''

''They are what?!''

''Sorry bro. Your ex's moved on. You should do it too.''

''But they are both girls so...''

''I think they are bisexual. Those things exist. Accept it. And I need to go. Opal and I have a date. Bye.''

Bolin run to the door and then he was gone.

''Bolin is right. I should move on. But I miss Korra.''

He opened his bag. He pulled out a photo of him and Korra. 

''Everything has changed. But I still love you.''

Thanks for reading. This time I didn't use Google Translate. I hope you like it. 

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