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My  name is Harley Ross. i live with my dad. I know everything i can about guns, knives, and hand to hand combat. You might think its hard but i get time with dad at the shooting range and sometimes thats all i get before he goes on a job. He repects my privacy and its nice. 

Right now im heading to my ap calculus class. It counts for college which i greatful for. Right now all my classes are ap and go towards college. I sit down and pull out my book and start to work. i put in earbuds through my shirt and down the sleeve to my palm so when i hold my head i can listen to music.  I put on guns n roses sweet child of mine and run through my work.  Im done pretty fast so i ask to go to the bathroom. Inside i look in the mirror. iv got on black skinny jeans with combat boots and a guns n roses tank top and a leather jacket. I slip of my jacket and admire my expendables tattoo that spans across my shoulder blades.


The rest of the day went quickly and im walking home. Its only three miles away so no biggie to walk. Once inside i flop on the couch and wait for dad to come back from his job. I hear a loud bang so i grab my bowie knife and stand behind the door. The door slowly creaks open and i notice its only christmas. 

"hey christmas" i say. he whips around and spots my knife.

"expecting someone?" he asks with a smile.

"no really but can never be to cautious." i say and return his smile. I put the knife in its sheath on my right hip.

"ur dads got a present for you outside. sent me in to get you" he says and walks out.

I walk out behind him. I notice gunner standing with his back to me. I run up and jump hard and wrap my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his torso.

"hey kid"

"hey gunner. how'd the trip go?"

"easy money"


I jump down and walk over to yang and give him a quick hug.

"so how long till you can come with us everytime?" he asks.

"just two weeks till i graduate and im outta there. im pretty much set for my first year of college with all the classes im taking. thats if i wanna go to college." i say happily.

I hear the roar of a harley davidson pull up and i see dad on a bike. It isnt his though. its a sportster and its black with red flames.

he gets off and turns it off.

"you get a new bike dad?"

"naw got u a new bike" he says and throws me the keys. I rush over and hug him.

"thankyou thankyou thankyou"

He hands me a helmet like the others have. I take it and he holds out another one.

"i figure your gonna wanna show roxi. and she can come over if she wants"

"thx dad!" 

i hope on and put on my helmet. I put the keys in and turn her over. The ground shakes and it makes me smile. I take off towards roxi. She's been my best friend for as long as i can remember. she's a nut like me and wants to be an expendable too. The ride is smooth and the wind whipping past you feels amazing.

I stop outside roxi's place and reve the engine. She flings open the door and runs out pulling on her leather jacket that matches mine. I hand her the helmet and she puts it on.

"this is amaze balls!" she yells over the roar of the engine.

"i know dad just came home with it. and im kidnapping you tonight." i say and take off. SHe squeals and grabs onto me.

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