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TITLE: In Silence I’ll Tell You A Treasure (Secret) 

AUTHOR: RazenshiaSapphire08 

PAIRING: Izumi Iori/Nanase Riku 

GENRE(S): Friendship, Fluff and Romance 


WARNING(S): Nothing. Maybe My poorly editing skills with grammar. 

DISCLAIMER: I owned nothing with the exception of this plot.


Riku is about to leave when he notices Mitsuki looking a bit troubled as he stares something on the kitchen counter.

He stares at the clock and he can see he still have a few time to spare to stay so strides over where Mitsuki seems having an inside war going on, as the frown marring his face then sighing with resignation.

“What’s wrong?” He asks as peers over at the lunch box laying in front of them. “…Is that for Iori?”

“Ah, Riku!” Mitsuki finally take notices his presence. “You are still here? I thought you already left. But, yes, this Iori’s. He was in rush that he forgotten this and the class is already starting so I can’t message him nor I have no time to bring it over him this.”

“It’s my off today. I’m just going out to buy a novel.” Riku answers then arches an eye brow in bewilderment. “Iori forgot his lunch? This is the first time I’d ever see this happening. I’m more leaning on Tamaki with this kind of incident. But, I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason.”

Mitsuki shrugs. “His exam is near so he studying hard and his schedule is a bit pile up with his coming project so it’s no surprise there are things he won’t remember even you do tell him.”

Riku glance at Mitsuki after his explanation with a thoughtful expression, the other is still frowning.

“I can bring it over to him.” Riku offers.

Mitsuki jolts at his statement.

“I have free time today.” Riku elaborates with light teasing tone. “Plus I can’t wait seeing his expression when I arrive there.”

“You…” Mitsuki chuckles, grinning at Riku as he ruffles his hair with affection. “Don’t tease my brother too much.”

“I can’t help Iori is cute after all~” Riku beams.


After leaving the dorm and reassuring Mitsuki he won’t tease his younger brother much.

He uses his free time to relax, buying the novel he mentioned Mitsuki earlier and then stays at the near cafe at Iori’s and Tamaki school.

“Too bad Tamaki isn’t there to capture Iori’s reaction.” Riku mutters with slight disappointment. “Oh well… It’s not like I want others to see it anyway.”

He stands up when he sees the time nearing Iori’s lunch break is near and his class for today is almost done. Since the younger teen have a new project this afternoon so, he will head straight at the studio after this.

“Iori needs to take a break.” Riku hums as he walks towards Iori’s school gate.

In Silence I'll Tell You A Treasure (Secret) [IDOLiSH7]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя