Chapter 9 - Creek and DJ Suki

Start from the beginning

"Is it?" Creek looked up

"Oh! It is."

"You alright, Creek?" DJ asked him

Creek looked at her and back at the others

"I need to talk to you." Creek said

He grabbed her arm and they zoomed off


Creek sighed and put his hands together

"Creek, dude, you alright?" DJ asked him

"Has anything strange been happening to you?" Creek asked

"Define strange." DJ said

"Have you had any changes?!" Creek asked grabbing her shoulders

"Actually, yeah. I have." DJ admitted

"Like what?!" Creek asked shaking her shoulders

"I've been able to...mimic sounds, and even make echos, speed up or slow down sounds, and even distort it. I've even been able to hear conversations!!" DJ told him

"Oh man, maybe this is why whoever's been taking our friends. There going after the ones with gifts!! Poppy could shape shift,, Guy could blind others, and Smidge could make earthquakes." Creek explained

"W-well about you." DJ asked him

"I think I put Biggie to sleep. I just touched him, then BOOM! He's sleeping!" Creek said

"Oh man, oh man, oh man. What do we do man?! WHAT IF WE'RE NEXT?!!" DJ asked him

"We won't be next. Hopefully."


Creek slapped her

"CALM DOWN, SUKI!! WE'LL BE FINE!!" Creek yelled and shook her shoulders again

DJ rubbed her cheek

"What was that all about?!" She asked him

"You were freaking out, and it freaked me out!!" Creek said

"You didn't have to slap me!" DJ said

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." Creek apologized

He let her shoulders go

"Ok, I have an idea." Creek said

"Does it involve getting slapped again?" DJ asked him

"What?! No!! Look, if we get taken, we'll at least find our friends. And we'll find a way to get out of that place there in." Creek said

"Well, what if it goes wrong?" DJ asked him

"I'm not sure, but let's look at the bright side." Creek smiled

DJ nodded


Later that night in DJ's pod, she went to her bed and fell asleep

Lance and Raphael came into her pod and looked around for her

DJ opened one of her eyes as she heard them approaching

"Ok! So! If you could choose between flight and sonic scream, what would you choose?" Lance asked

"I'd choose flight so I can fly away from this conversation." Raphael answered

"HAH! You and your jokes." Lance smiled

Raphael rolled his eyes

They found DJ in her bed

"Found her." Raphael whispered

They went over to her

Just then loud music started to play and they covered their ears

DJ hopped out of bed

"HAH!! You dudes thought you could take me?! Hilarious-"

Another Raphael came behind DJ and hit her with a pan knocking her out

"OH HO!! THAT NEVER GETS OLD!!" Lance smiled

"Just get her on the caterbus." Raphael said

Lance nodded and grabbed DJ and went to caterbus


Creek was meditating on his bed and heard footsteps and opened his left eye and saw Raphael

"Yeah, I'm not doing this." Creek said and walked out of the pod

Raphael raised an eyebrow and followed Creek


Creek got to the caterbus with Raphael and sat in one of the seats

"How'd you get him?" Lance asked

"He just came." Raphael said

"Wow." Lance looked at DJ and Creek and sat in one of the seats

Raphael drove off with the them in the caterbus

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