Laksh didn't liked her interruption, he opened his mouth to say something but ap said... " she is right beta.. and think about ragini too.. she is going through by a tough time... she needs a break.. let her stay there for some days.. and if something will go wrong, we will bring her back immediately..." laksh was not fully agreed but he nod and left without uttering a word...

Ragini look her room in confusion... " why did I came here..?" She thought coming out of her room, and found daadi working in kitchen... " aray laado you have already woke up, good..I was about to come to wake you up for dinner..."

" Why I am here daadi maa..?" Daadi got worried, the time has arrived for which she was worrying for.. now what will she answer to her.. " beta... actually.. wo... you..." " daadi maa... I know about my problem..." ragini says calmly... " you do..?" She nod.. " yes... I don't know why did I came here, but now I realised I really wanted this... I need a break from there..." she cheered up her face.. " so what is for dinner..." and asked in excitement.. daadi smile in relieve seeing her calm and understanding, she gives her blessings in mind and start showing her dinner...

Next day passed peacefully for ragini as no other personality appeared in that time, but not for laksh, he was missing ragini so much, as she used to be present infront of his eyes every single moment in the home, though in different personalities, but still deep somewhere she was always there... and now he is getting restless, wanted to meet her badly...

" F**k everything else... I am going to get her back... mom said she needs a break, but she is not understanding... ragini needs to be here, her condition don't allows her to stay far from me for much time..." thinking he grabbed his keys and rush out for car, ignoring the fact that it's 11:30 pm.. everyone has must be slept already...

Laksh reached at baadi and found the whole baadi sleeping in dark, then only realised his silliness.. " shit... now what to do...? Why did I came here this late...?" He blabbered... 'because you were missing your wife...' and heard the voice from inside... " no... ofcourse not... I wasn't missing her, but worried about her health..." he refused.. someone laughs inside.. ' really...? You were not missing her.. then lets go back... she seems fine..' " but when I have came this far already, then what is problem to see her once, only for assurance of her safety..." he says coming out of car..

He was standing out side of their house, thinking what to do next, shall he knock the door or not.. it will be weird saying he came to take his wife back for no reason... soon he got an idea and came back under ragini's room window... " Once I will see her, and make sure that she is fine and sleeping peacefully I will go back..." he climbed at the pipe coming to her window...

Ragini was sitting on her bed, thinking something deeply, her trans broke by some weird noises which was coming from out of balcony... she got confused and scared... " what is that voice...?" She slowly came in balcony not before grabbing a vase for safety, get shocked to see laksh climbing up through pipe... " laksh..?"

Laksh look at her and smile... " hii ragini... whats up...?" And asked casually.. " what the hell are you doing here...?" She questioned back ignoring his... " I will answer but atleast first help me..." he was struggling for coming inside... she immediately help him... now they both were standing in her balcony looking each other silently...

" What..?" Laksh questioned... " exactly.. what..?" She folded her hands on chest... " wo actually I was worried for you.. So I wanted to see you once..." laksh says slowly while ragini's mouth fell open in shock, she was not able to believe that laksh was worried for her.. laksh saw her shocked face... " but as you are fine, now I should go back..." he says turning back to window but ragini stopped him... " Laksh wait, don't go..." he immediately turned back happily... " I mean don't go through window.. use door..." she said slowly while Laksh's face fell dull... " oohh... I thought you were asking me to stay..." he blabbered... " sorry... what...?" Ragini questioned... he shook his head with a fake smile... " nothing... let's go..."

"So...bye..." laksh says standing at the front door...ragini nod... " bye..." but he didn't leave.. he was looking here and there... ragini felt the change in his behaviour, and it was strange... she raised her brow... " I am leaving..." he says turning back...ragini smile and about to closed the door when he again came back... " actually I was thinking, if you don't mind can we go for a drive..." ragini look him like he is an alien... "huhh...?" Laksh was waiting for an answer...

She came back in sense and control her emotions... " but... it's already very late..." she says looking at clock which shows exact 12:00... " ohh yaah... you are right... I should go back..." laksh says scratching his head... suddenly everything becomes weird.. they start avoiding looking each other eyes while the smile was not leaving from their lips... " bye..." laksh says and immediately rush to his car...

Ragini closed the door once laksh left.. Smile was still on her face... she was still not able to believe that laksh was worried for her...she came in her room and sleep peacefully hugging her pillow...

In Mm, someone was walking here and there restlessly in the balcony since the laksh left, again and again looking at gate waiting for him...The person hide behind the curtains as soon as laksh car came inside.. unknown from the fact that someone is watching him, laksh came to his room...

The person came out from behind the curtains revealing she is none other than swara, "where did he had went...? did he went to meet ragini.. no no, he wouldn't.. he don't even like her, why would he care..? But I have to find out what is running in his mind..." she blabber slowly coming back in her room...

To be continued....

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