mark and rina

Depuis le début


A few days later and they were at chewton glen again, the treehouses becoming one of Joe, Dianne's and Lillie's favourite places.

"Lills" Dianne called from the living room where she was sat with her parents chatting away about anything and everything, whilst Joe and Lillie were up in the kids room trying to find things in the sky through the telescope.

"Coming mummy!" She yelled back in her cute little Aussie accent that was turning more and more British by the day, just like Dianne's.

"Have you written out what you want for your birthday yet? It's only a week away" Dianne asked as it was currently June 3rd and Dianne had got little bits and bobs for her that she knew she would like but no big presents yet.

"Oh no I haven't, I be back" she ran off to find paper and a pen to start writing her list. Joe then came down the ladder from the kids room to sit next to Dianne, putting his arm round her shoulder as Mark and Rina cooed next to them.

"Hey, how did looking for stars in broad daylight with Lillie go?" Dianne laughed as she realised what her boyfriend and daughter had been doing.

"You know we actually found some" Joe said as Dianne's face grew into a kind of shocked look.

"In daylight? Really?"

"Yep, and little one got well excited when she found some"

"I can imagine" Dianne giggled as she cuddled into Joe's chest more as he kissed her head. She was thankful that Joe didn't mind the PDA infront of her parents, most people wouldn't normally do it as they felt uncomfortable but it showed that Joe was already comfortable around her parents only after a few days of meeting them.

A few minutes later Lillie came running into the room with her list she had made. "Done it mama" she climbed onto the sofa inbetween Dianne and her grandparents as she handed Dianne the list she had made. Dianne felt tears as she came to the end of the note that said.

To mummy and joey,
For my birfday can I please have
Pepa pig pj
Dol howse furniter
A lava lamp thingy
The pepa pig book
A bike to go on bike rides with mummy and joey
But most of all can I pretty please have joey be my daddy becwause I luv him and mummy luvs him and he already my daddy but can he proper be my daddy.

Love from Lillie Alice Buswell x

"Why you crying Dot?" Joe asked using her childhood nickname for the first time making her cry a little more as she passed him the note. He started to get tears too and passed it to Mark and Rina for them to read.

"Why you crying?" Lillie asked confused, she hadn't put anything bad or sad on there just what she wanted for her birfday like they had asked for.

"Just because your cute, and we'll try and get that for you baby" Dianne said pulling her into her tummy.

"Even joey being my daddy?" She asked excitedly, really that was all she wanted, she didn't mind if she didn't get the other things as she didn't need them, but she did need and want for joey to be her proper daddy.

"Maybe not in a week sweetie, but one day, one day I'll be your daddy" Joe said as she reached out and stroked her long blonde curls as her hair had been washed.

"Otay" she smiled to herself as she rested her head back on Dianne's abdomen and fell asleep.

"Has she had that idea for long?" Rina asked from across the sofa.

"What Joe being her dad?" Rina nodding rather than speaking. "A while yeah, I think she's thought of him as her dad for a quite a long time but she never mentioned anything about it until I told her about her real dad over face time, Joe told me after that she broke down and said that he was her daddy" Dianne smiled at the thought of Joe properly becoming Lillie's dad, he was the only father figure she'd ever had in the UK and he was with them on a daily basis, it felt right that he could be her dad.

"Awww" Mark cooed from next to Rina as he too thought about his granddaughter having a proper dad.

"I mean it probably won't be proper adoption for a while yet, but maybe by Christmas when we next see you, she could be calling him Daddy, and finally having a daddy for the first time in her life" Dianne said as she looked down at her daughter sleeping on her and then up to Joe who was smiling widely.

"I'd happily be her daddy any day of the week" Joe smiled down at Dianne as he pulled her into him with his arm that had been wrapped around her for a while.

"And I'd have you as her daddy any day of the week" Dianne smiled back lifting her head up to kiss his lips quickly. It was that moment, as Mark and Rina exchanged that look between them radiating nothing but love and joy for the people in front of them, it was that moment when they knew that Joe was the one for their daughter, the one who would become Lillie's dad (official or not), would be having his own kids with their daughter, and one day being married.

A/N Sorry I didn't update on Wednesday I forgot oops, but also means the final chapter will be up next Friday instead of Wednesday but oh well, anyway hope you enjoyed it. Bella xx

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