Chapter 2

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*you and Luigi went on to go find the missing elevator buttons Luigi looked at you and ask you something*

Luigi:Hey Y/N how did you end up here?
You:Well after I died I looked for a place to stay and I ended up here like the rest of us
Luigi:How did you die?
You:well I did in C/O/D when I was little
Luigi:man I'm sorry that happened
You:it's fine being ghost ain't so bad well that's what I think I guess
Luigi:you miss being alive?
You:yeah I really do

*Luigi put his hand on your shoulder to comfort you smiled back at him he let out a small laugh you two countied to walk around Luigi got a call from E.Gadd  Luigi answered E.Gadd asked if Luigi can find his briefcase Luigi accepted the request you and Luigi went around the whole mansion looking for the briefcase you and Luigi entered a room with a maid ghost cleaning then grabbing the briefcase*

Chambrea:uhh hello Y/N
You:what are you doing?
Chambrea:you know just cleaning
Chambrea:ah! Human!

*as Chambrea ran off with the briefcase you and Luigi ran  after her it took a few hits to get her but Luigi finally caught her you were scared about Luigi using this vacuum on you but you knew he wouldn't you and Luigi went over to E.Gadd lab and hand him the briefcase he opened it up showing some green goo E.Gadd put in behind Luigi E.Gadd trapped Luigi in a cage*

You:what are you doing?!?!
E.Gadd:don't worry you'll see what the green goo is for
Luigi:what do I do
E.Gadd:press that button and you'll see

*Luigi did what he was told and a green goo version of Luigi came out and he calls himself gooigi he went through the bars and opened up the cage for Luigi*

Luigi:wow works like magic
E.Gadd:see now you can get out of trouble
Luigi:now let's go find those buttons

Hope you like the chapter sorry for not updating this book like in forever I just didn't want to continue with this book but since you guys liked it I'll probably countine with it so stay tuned for more and stay safe love you guys thanks for everything and if you want me to countine with the rest of the book please tell me in the comments and see you soon ☮️

Luigi Mansion 3 Luigi x Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now