Chapter 3: Brothers Bonding Time

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Time flies so fast when the chipmunks and the chipettes were hanging out. They're having so much fun until they realized it was already dark outside. Theodore and Eleanor offered their siblings to spend the night in their villa, near the restaurant, and all of them agreed.

Thankfully, Brittany packed some clothes before. She knows they'll be spending the night out of their house, because as a pregnant woman she'll get tired quickly so she's already predicting that. Alvin on the other hand, were worried hearing the offer. He didn't prepare anything nor predict this would happens. He immediately looks at Brittany to make sure she's okay with this. He was scared if she would be uncomfortable or anything. She was pregnant after all.

"Are you okay with us staying the night in here?" Alvin walk to Brittany's side and whispered.

"Of course, I've brought our clothes incase this would happen." Brittany responded.

"You do? Wow..." Alvin paused a while and thought why didn't he think of it, his wife is a prepared woman so of course she would predicted it. "Well, I just want you to be comfortable."

"I'm okay, Alvin. You're worrying too much. Besides, Eleanor and Jeanette are here... And so are you. I'm gonna be fine." Brittany tried to convince him not to worry too much. But this is one of the reason she fell for him. He always put herself first, well most of the time. Seeing him every day trying to be a better husband and partner for her makes her also wants to be a better wife.

"Yeah, you're right. Just ask me if you need anything."

Alvin kissed Brittany on the forehead before leaving with the boys. They're going into a separated room, boys and girls. Of course, it's going to be a long night because they need a lot of catching up to do.

* * *

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were sitting outside looking at the ocean. Luckily tonight is bright moon so they have something beautiful to look at, not just pitch black. They were doing some heart-to-heart conversation about their current life with their wife, and how fast the time really flies.

"So Alvin, how does it feels like to be a dad?" Simon brought up the conversation.

Alvin who were gazing at the ocean, sighed and smiled before answering, "I'm not a dad yet you know."

"But you will be, soon." Simon continued.

Alvin was thinking for a while before answering. "Well the truth is I'm kinda afraid, you know..."

Alvin serious face turns into worried. "What if I mess up? I know Brittany will be a great mom, but what about me? I'm afraid my children would think I'm sucks."

Both of his brothers were looking at each other before cheering him up.

"Come on Alvin, that's not going to happen. I think you're gonna be a great dad, and you're children will love you who you are." Theodore was the first one to cheered up Alvin, then Simon follows him.

"Yeah, it's normal for you to think like that. I mean, I would too if I were in your shoes. Because we were about to do something we haven't done before." Simon added. "Just remember, whatever happens in the future, you won't be facing it alone."

"Yeah, you have your wife with you. And us too." Theodore giving him a warm smile. Alvin were really thankful he has two amazing brothers in his life.

"Thanks guys." Alvin smiling in relief, before continuing. "I wonder if Dave also think about this stuff when he adopted us."

There was a moment of silence between the three of them. Each fall silent in their deep thought, recalling many great memories they had with him.

"I miss him."

"Me too."

They look at each other. So many things had happened in their life. The happy one, the bad one, even the sad one. They were glad that they managed to get through it all, and be the person they are today.

* * *

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thought.

As for Dave, whether he's dead or alive it's up to your imagination because I won't go into that much detail XD

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