Ch. 2

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I was in my bedroom a mere forty five minutes before there was a knock at my door. I could see the shadow of his feet under the door and how he was shuffling from foot to foot. It was impossible for him to stay still "Hey Derek! I hope I didn't scare you, the food still tastes pretty good. I've got a plate for you right here"

"Um... Just a minute" I tried to call back, but his shadow never left. Just persisted, his foot tapping to a tune that must have been in his head. I tried to keep my sigh to myself as I walked to the door. I pulled it open to find him standing idly by with a plate of tacos that actually looked quite delicious. I took the plate graciously "Are you having any?"

"I actually grabbed some food with a friend, but I didn't know if you had eaten so I thought I'd be neighborly-or roomie I guess"

"Well... thanks-for the food, and the roomie-ness"

"Anytime. I was about to watch some ren and stimpy, want to join?"

"Uh yeah sure I uh- I love that show" I answered not ready to let him down just yet. Maybe I had just caught him at the wrong time, maybe he was just excited to finally have a roommate.

My theory was debunked ten minutes later when Stiles started rambling through the first episode we were watching. He noted that he had a knack for remembering things then proceeded to give me a history lecture on the show. I wasn't sure I could get a word in if I tried, but I stayed quiet and munched away at my tacos.

Soon, my plate sat empty on my lap and Stiles had strangely quieted down. I had realized, when he was quiet, my mind got passed the talkative and energetic behavior and could appreciate his looks. He was still in his paint splattered clothes which consisted of baggy blue jeans and a long sleeved black shirt that hugged his small frame. His hair stood up every-which way, but led me to believe that when done properly he'd look quite nice. He was keen to biting down on his lip when he concentrated, maybe that was why they were so damn pink.

"I'm gonna head to bed" I announced, standing up quickly.

He arose beside me "Oh yeah of course. Um...Welcome! And I am a mere four meters away-give or take" he laughed.

"Thanks" I waved awkwardly before disappearing into my room.

I thought I had beat him up the next morning. From the sound of the tv Stiles was up well in to the night, the tv on long after I had fallen asleep. But alas I woke to him sitting at the kitchen table shoveling cereal into his mouth, only clothed in a pair of blue checkered boxer. His skin was splattered with moles, almost like the paint that covered his clothes. He looked lankier without the bulky clothes on. I cleared my throat realizing he was too deep in reading what was ever on the back of the cereal box to notice me. He glanced up with big eyes before shooting up "I uh... I didn't... I have no words " he laughed, trying and failing to cover himself "I-I... Well I didn't think you'd be here"

I glanced down at my watch, it was barely 6:45. I was sure there were no classes this early. Then by the look on his face I could tell the boy meant something else. He meant he didn't expect me to still be living there "You're up early" I began as I made his way to the fridge.

"Y-Yeah, I'm an early riser no matter what time I end up going to sleep. It's a gift and a curse" he explained, and I definitely didn't miss the way he eyed me in my tank top and joggers as he spoke. At least until he realized he himself was still half naked and he was just caught checking me out. He dropped his spoon into his bowl and raced to his room. There was the sound of some things crashing before he was back in grey sweats and a ratty old band shirt "S-So you uh heading out?"

"Yeah. Think I'm gonna take a run, check out the town before my first class"

"Nice. There's an old hiking path just past the administrations office. It'll show you most of the town"

"Cool. Thanks"

He was gone by the time I got back.

I was trying and failing to study a week later while Erica flicked paper balls across the table at me. She had just took a test she was stressing about and apparently her unwinding involved bugging me.

"Why are we even in the library?" she groaned in a whisper.

"I am here to study"

"What's wrong with your place?" I bowed my head not making any further eye contact. She smirked knowingly and shook her head "I told you"

"He's not bad he's just"


"No. Just energetic"

"He's not here you don't have to be polite" I ignored her remark. There was nothing wrong with Stiles, he just wasn't like me.

For a month straight Stiles would come home to me doing homework or watching stupid videos on my phone. And his expression was the same every time he came through the door. It was one of shock or surprise, like he hadn't expected me to be there. Then he'd run through the apartment working on whatever project was due that week blaring music and making a mess. I found myself crashing at Boyd's three nights a week.

For a while I would shock myself too. I told myself to leave, and to get out of there. Even Erica was on my back about it. I had even managed to get one of those dorm transfer forms, and filled it out. I just never dropped it off.

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