"He's dying, Pluem."

"What?" Pluem's expression changed. His anger now replaced by confusion.

"Your father has Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He might only have a few weeks left to live."

Pluem abruptly stood up and walked to the kitchen.

He paced back and forth.

Chimon followed him.

"I'm sorry Pluem. I felt like you needed to know. Don't worry. I won't pressure you to do anything. I'll just stay here with you. We'll do whatever you want," he said gently.

Pluem looked so anxious. His hands were shaking.

"Kiss me Chimon," he blurted out.

"What?" Chimon pretended not to hear.

"Just please kiss me," Pluem was desperate. He needed something, anything to keep him from panicking.

Chimon looked at Pluem and his heart broke. He looked like he was about to lose it. Chimon took a deep breath and kissed him.

The kiss didn't last long however because Chimon could feel Pluem's tears running down his face.

He pulled him into a tight hug.

They held on to each other for a while before Pluem eventually spoke.

"If I decide to meet him, will you go with me?" he asked.

Chimon held his face and kissed him on the forehead.

"Of course, Pluem. Of course."


Chimon felt like he was in a movie scene when he and Pluem finally met Mr. Tawan in his hotel room.

Mr. Tawan was already crying when he opened the door for them.

"Thank you for meeting me, Pluem. I couldn't believe it when Chimon said you agreed to see me," he said through his tears. He led them to the living room of his suite. The two youngsters said nothing, just waiting for him to speak.

And before Pluem and Chimon could stop him, he had already knelt in front of Pluem.

"I am sorry son. I am so sorry." Mr. Tawan could barely speak. "I don't deserve your love. I don't even deserve your forgiveness. I just want you to know that I regret all the wrong things I've done to you. I regret hurting you my son. I regret not being a good father to you.

"If I could only turn back time, I would spend every day with you. I love you so much my son. And it kills me knowing that I have never shown you that in all those years we were together.

"I have chastised myself every single day for the past three years but even this cancer is not enough punishment for all the pain I have caused you.

"I am so sorry son. You don't have to forgive me. I don't deserve that. Just please accept my apology."

Chimon couldn't hold his tears when Pluem pulled his father up and hugged him.

"Dad.." was all Pluem could say.

Chimon didn't know how long he stood there watching Pluem and his father just crying in each other's arms.

It took a while but Pluem and Mr. Tawan eventually sat down at the sofa. Chimon walked to the fridge in Mr. Tawan's hotel suite and took two bottles of water.

"Here," he said while handing the bottles to the two.

Pluem had still not said anything yet.

"I'll leave you two here so you can talk," Chimon said, while standing up.

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