Operation "New World"

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*Timeskip 3 days*
* at The Gate*

It is 4 in the morning, and it is cold... very cold. Yet the cold of the winter didn't even seem to bother the soldiers that are at the Gate. They reek of excitment of going in, probraly, another world. Their commander, Adalwin Frucht, was, also, extremely excited. 'I am one of the first germans to ever walk another plain of existence!'. He could barely contain his happines. Other soldier noticed this and started chuckling. Until
Adalwin shot them a glare that would freeze boiled water. They immediatly stoped chuckling and went to help others with preparations.

Adalwin was in charge of this small platoon. He had 30 soldiers, and 8 vehicles. 5 super-soldiers, 10 shockhammers and 15 machine-pistol soldiers. They had 7 APC and a panzerhund.

 They had 7 APC and a panzerhund

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*shockhammer troops*

*shockhammer troops*

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'Pretty good.' Adalwin thought

*timeskip 3 hours*

They were all ready. Ready to enter another world. People who were watching from the sides wished them luck and prayed for them to come back home healthy and safe.

And so... they entered the gate.

*scene change at a blackish-purple castle*


???:"Is there something bothering you, honey?"

???:"Huh?! Oh... no nothing like that it's just that I felt something... something powerful..."

???:"What is it Lilith?"

Lilith:"I think that it is nothing to serious... I hope."

*scene change once again*

Nothing... That's what Adalwin could see. NOTHING. Until... more darkness!

But the radio went on and said "Commander, we see light!"

'Finaly' Adalwin thought

"Keep moving forwards" Adalwin ordered

They finaly made it out of the tunnel, and what they saw was simply... amazing. A huge grass field decorated with beautiful blue and red flowers he never saw. The sun was up in the sky and radiated peace. Even the super-soldiers were a little amazed. It was a very beatiuful scenery. They all entered their APC's and went to explore this new and alien world.

Not even 20 minutes later they arrieved at a village.

They entered the small village. Everyone was in awe at the APC and the soldiers. They never saw somethin like that. Adalwin in the front asked a woman in her early twenties, who is the ruler of this town. He used english to talk to them, and surprisingly they knew about it.

Then the 'chief' of the village came to Adalwin and asked him who they are.

Adalwin responded to his questions about them. Now it was time for the chief to answer his questions.

"Now can you answer my question Mr....?"

"Call me Russel." the chief said his name

"Can you answer my questions Mr. Russel?"

"Well of course!" said the chief

"Okay, first question... what is the name of the land we are right now?" asked Adalwin

"The lands where you are right now are the lands of Lescatia of the Order"

"Second question, who is "The Order"?" asked again Adalwin

"The Order is a religious alliance that worships ths Chief God, and they are battleing the Demon Lord"

"Who is this 'Demon Lord'?"

"The Demon Lord is the ruler of all mamono. Mamono or monster girls, they have the appearance of a human female with different animal traits. Mamono are known to raid villages and rape the men, and mamonofie the women."

'That sounds weird...' thought Adalwin

"Well, I must thank Russel, you are a big help"

"No need to barge" Russel said with a grin

"But do you have any spare history books and a map?" asked once again Adalwin

"Aye, I can give you one of our history books and a map"

"I must thank you very much Russel, once again you are a big help."

"Well I am glad to help ya, be safe on your travel!"

"Thank you, and stay safe" then Adalwin and his troops departed with a little more information about this world.

Second chapter already...I want to sleep...Nah. I was so excited on making this story that I finished a second chapter in an hour. Anyway, what's your opinion? Please tell me if you want to add an OC to the story. I am free to sugestions. That's it for now. Bye!

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