
I looked up and saw Ashley and Joe looking at me, I don't know what to say

"You cant seriously tell me you've been sitting there listening to a dead line!"

Ashley leaned back and switched on the lights which revealed my red face.

"What happened on the call Colby?"

I looked at her in the eyes and shook my head.

"So she's really gone?"

"No! It's just what I heard..."

"You have to tell us!"

I looked at Joe and he was nodding in agreement with her.

"Well..I Uh. I don't know how to say it. I'm kinda falling to pieces right now."

"Just tell us!"

"I think I just heard Becky getting assaulted."

"Like someone was punching her."

"No...someone was sexually assaulting her."

"We have to take your phone to the police, they can trace the call back and we can find her and save her."

"All I could hear was her screaming and then I heard someone buckling their belt."

I placed my head in my hands, this is all my fault. If I'd just stayed in Majorca then maybe I could've stopped this! Could've saved her before she even needed saving. What if I've lost her forever. What if that is the last time I'll ever hear her voice, what if I never see my child! I get out of the car and walk towards the police station, I have to save her I can't leave her there! Even if I have to tear the entire world to shreds I'm going to find my wife, I need her and I can hear just how much she needs me.

I shouldn't have answered the phone, I've made Randy so mad. I still haven't managed to steady my breathing or my tears and I know I need to calm down for the babies sake.  I hear the door open and I see randy once again, my whole body is shivering. He threw a oversized T-shirt at me and I slipped it on.

"You know never to answer the phone and if I catch you doing it again I will kill everyone you love! Do I make myself clear?"


I pulled myself over to the bed and climbed in, I need to sleep. I'm exhausted and I'm terrified which isn't a very good combination. My whole body is shaking under the covers, I felt him wrap his body around mine and I just wanted to run away. I shook even more now and I could feel his anger and he shouted at me which made me shake even more and more until he left me all alone once more. The shaking subsided and I shut my eyes, I couldn't sleep because all I could see was his anger, his actions replaying in my head, everything about him is wrong and disgusting and I need to get away. This pregnancy is scary on its own and Randy's not even letting me go to my appointments. I'm terrified that I'll go through the same pain I did when I lost it last time. With Colby I felt safe and even a bit excited but now all I feel all the time is terrified. Nothing but terrified. It's so stupid that I'm still so scared after so many years, he has me right where he wants me and he's not letting go anytime soon.

*2 weeks later*

I'm so scared, I thought I'd learnt my way around Randy. He was calm with me but yesterday he just snapped, I've got massive bruises everywhere. All baby has been doing is kicking, all I want to do is go to the doctors but Randy says it's too risky but I'm so scared that something will go wrong. Me and Colby were planning to do the nursery late into my pregnancy in case of any complications, we were gonna ask Ashley to do a gender reveal party and we were gonna invite all our friends. We even starting sorting a workout plan for after the baby will be born. Everything I had is gone and I'm stuck with this bastard!

"Buttercup, I've got something for you!"

He slid across divorce papers and name change papers to change my name from Rebecca to Abigail. I looked up at him and shook my head, why would he think I would want this.

"Buttercup please sign them!"

I turned to him and saw him down on one knee.

"Abigail Quin will you marry me?"

I got up but he slammed me back down in my chair and slid a pen my way. I knew I had to say yes to him or he would kill me. I turned to him and pretended the sad tears were happy ones. I leaned forward and slid the ring on my finger, I saw his face light up. Next I turned to the papers.

"Could I have a minute to sign these?"

He nodded and left which I was very surprised at, I signed the name change papers but wrote on the very back page this.

"Please don't change my name, I'm being held hostage and forced to do this. My real name is Rebecca Lopez and my husband is Colby Lopez please find him for me..."

I slid the papers into an envelope and sealed it, I moved onto the divorce papers.

"Colby you may not believe me but I do love you and this is your baby. I can't contact you and I'm so scared please find me. I don't know where I am but I'm with Randy. Please find me before he kills me..."

I signed it before sliding it back into the envelope. I heard the door open and I put on a smile and showed him the sealed envelope's. I felt him rush forward and pick me up, for the first time in a long time I feel hopeful that maybe I'll be saved.

"So I'll go post these and then we can do whatever you want Randy!"

"Post these? That's my job!"

"Please! I need to get out for five minutes please!"

"Fine but wear this hoodie it has a tracker in the pocket! If you try anything you know what will happen!"

I nodded shocked that he's even letting me out, he must still be on the buzz of me saying yes to him. You have no idea how much I wanted to scream NO in his face. I put on the hoodie and brushed my hair. Randy took me down to the front door and unlocked it.

"Be quick, it's five minutes down the road on the left."

He kissed the top of my head and waved as I walked away. I wanted to squeal with excitement and jump up and down but I know I have to keep my cool. I got to the post office and payed for the letters to be posted. The woman looked at me funny, I know my face is bruised up and I have a black hoodie on but all I want to do is post these letters.

"Dear can you look up for me?"

I tilted my head up and then saw her reach for her phone. I leaned forward and pulled it from her.

"Please you can't! I'm fine and I'm safe these bruises are from me being silly! I'm very clumsy."

I really thought she'd let her call whoever she was planning on, I really thought she'd leave me and I'd have to kill her but hey maybe she's smarter than I think. She's left the shop now so I might aswell go out the front and wait for her.

It's been two fucking weeks and the police have done nothing! They didn't trace the call and they haven't called about anywhere the most they've done is put up a few posters! My wife is missing and they couldn't give a shit. Whoever she is with is angry and takes out all there pent up frustration on her and I won't stand for it anymore. They need to do more, she's 20 weeks pregnant nearly 21 she's probably scared out of her mind that something will go wrong and I can't help her, reassure her, I can't be there for her and it's killing me. All I want is my Becks back where she belong, back home.

The Aftermath Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя