Det var en gång en prinsessa

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Being stuck in a car in the middle of the vandalizing is not pleasing or safe.
Smoke grenades kept thudding against the front of the car while others banged on the windows, the man steering the car did his best to not hurt anyone while trying to move forward. "Dad it's probably better if we move by feet" Someone finally pointed out.

"And what? Expect people to stop" He smacked himself in the face.
They both turned their attention to the front when the front window cracked.
"Hey wait!" The girl in the passenger seat piped out before stepping out of the car.
Her attention was right on the person that had just destroyed her family car.
He was armored wearing paintball gun accessories. She wanted answers.
"Why would you destroy the window?" She crossed her arms trying to over voice the people in the background. He glared in response, even though she couldn't see his eyes through the vinyl glasses she knew his eyes were on her.

"Okay you're not gonna answer? fine by me!" She sighed. He moved closer to her
"well why not join me? it's fun" was all he answered before strutting off. She looked at him in disbelief before following the new person. To his hips he had connected smoke bombs, they hit against him every time he took a new step and she couldn't help but to wonder why he had them in the first place.

"What's all this about?" She asked barely catching up. "Black lives matter" he answered quickly but not caring to go into details. She knitted her eyebrows.
"But why destroying cars, especially innocent peoples cars"

"Listen here, it is for my freedom, their freedom and if you can't take that fact in, leave"
He said it in such a commanding manner she would protect herself by crossing her arms over her chest. He stopped, now looking her up and down. "Hm" he hummed for himself grabbing her by her arms he led her into a valley.

"Wait! We're complete strangers, this is not normal!" She didn't fear him but her dad, not that he would do anything harmful but that she could be grounded.
"You dragged yourself into this" he would chuckle, his force, his demanding nature made her feel small and she would fall right into his little trap.
She didn't care, he was literally wearing a suit for gun crafts, he probably knew his way around.

Her tiny fragile body now pressed to the brick wall, her ass on one of the trash containers he seemed to be thinking before doing anything.
"Well consider yourself my pet for this short while okay?" The smudge in his voice, that little tint of smug. Her head fell like it was controlled by a game remote and went up in the same motion, she nodded knowing that there was nothing else she could do.

"Well, wearing skirt to this day maybe was smart" he said dragging his hand over her thigh until it reached the end of the skirt where he stopped too squeeze. She squirmed, it tingled, both in her abdomen and to the skin where he was touching her. His leather handset was cold, it made it even better, made it more raw and it built up tense.

She would bite her lip. "Please, touch me more" "you want more? Tsk" he sighed out before pushing his hand further up so it was against her hip. He could see the little wet spot building up in her panties. "Ahh, I like to see that, very submissive"
He used his other hand to gently hold her in a choke hold.

She would put her hands around his arm slightly squeezing she told him to continue.
He ran his thumb on her panties slightly pushing so it would run over her nerve bump. Her legs was twitching asking for more and he only gave by moving the panties out of the way and dragged the leathered thumb over her opening.

Once she lightly moaned he would assert finger after finger gently thrusting into her wet walls. He went faster and faster the more she beges, intill she renhet her peeks. He kept watching her reactions kept satisfying her. She quickly closed up her legs onto his arm letting out one last moan as the sweet cum spilled over his fingers. He would pull out then take off the leather handset and throw it in the trash bin she was sitting on before walking off.

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