Laughing Jack Origin Story

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"What are you doing?" the words were spoke by an obnoxious little girl. A dirty bow was placed in her mess of hair and she was wearing a night gown her mother must have grown out of. 

"Leave me alone." the boy replied as he sat up. He didn't want to admit to the brat that the only joy he had was watching the beautiful sun set. 

"You know, if you stay out here for so long that the bugs will eat you" the girl said, "then again, maybe your parents would like that, then they don't have to spend anymore money keeping you alive."

"Oh please" Isaac scoffed, "Your mum can hardly get enough money from the couch to feed you." the little girl's face showed a sour expression, but then she smiled. 

"At least my mum doesn't work at the whorehouse." Isaac stood up to intimidate the girl into leaving, but the girl suddenly erupted into tears. 

"MUMMY" she screamed, "THAT MEAN NASTY BOY HIT ME!." suddenly from both houses a woman stepped out. One woman was pudgy and wobbled as fast as she could and the other was crow-like and looked very tired. 

"My darling!" the pudgy woman said as she went to the little girl, "What did this brat do to you?"

"I hope he knocked some sense into your goblin." the crow woman said. The other woman sent a glare over to her. 

"Ugh, if we weren't in a depression me and Clarice would have moved to America by now, away from scum like you."

"You would certainly fit in with them." she said as she looked the pudgy woman up and down. The woman grabbed Clarice's hand and started to wobble back to her home. Isaac was relieved for a second before receiving a hard hit to the back of the head. 

"If I ever have to talk to that pig again because of you, I'll give you a harder pop than that" she said, "Now come, it's getting dark." she said and walked back to her home. Isaac begrudgingly followed. When they got inside Isaac saw his father drinking cheap moonshine over on his dusty chair. Isaac attempted to pass by without being seen, but he was not that lucky. 

"BOY" the man yelled. Isaac cringed at the sound of his father's drunk voice. 

"Y-yes father?" 

"I noticed you forgot to clean one of the dishes that was on the table." the man pointed to a table that was piled with garbage. Underneath that garbage must have been a barely visible plate or cup. 

"I-I'm sorry, I must not have seen it." the boy mumbled. 

"Speak clearly boy."

"I must not have seen it." the boy said slightly less mumbled. 

"Seen it? God gave you eyes for a reason, boy." the man said as he reached for his belt. The boy attempted to run up the stairs, but tripped. The man took his hands away from his waist and sighed. 

"Aw heck with it, it's Christmas Eve." the man said as he walked back to his chair to drink more moonshine. Isaac looked over to his mother, who's face showed an obvious worry. She looked over to her husband as he drank and she rubbed one of her arms and looked down to the ground. Isaac ran up to his room and quickly, but silently, shut the door behind him. Isaac noticed how dark his room was, which wasn't surprising, the only light he got was from his 1 small window. Now that the sun had set the only like was the moon and stars. Isaac sometimes liked to look out the window and look for shooting stars. This time, he was lucky, he spotted a shooting star and quickly closed his eyes and clutched his hands together. 

"I wish for a friend, a friend who will help me against people like my dad and Clarice, someone who is fun and will like me." he opened his eyes but then he felt his heart drop, "Who am I kidding? Who would want to be my friend." he plopped onto his small cot and laid down to sleep. 

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