Chapter 9 • Really his?

Start from the beginning

"No, no, it is. I mean, Drau jiji... She is not so open and after what had happened today... You will have to do alot of chores to get her open to you. I'm just giving you advise, her anger is very bad, I don't want you to be it's victim." Divyanshi said.

"Thank you for the warning, Divya." Arjun smiled.

"My pleasure, I'm leaving now. Good luck!" She walked away.

Arjun sighed, it wasn't like he didn't like to talk with Divyanshi but he was just stressed out because of many reasons.

He walked to Vasudev, Nakul and Sehdev.

"Parth," Vasudev smiled, "What is bothering you?"

Arjun gave a Seriously, Madhav? Look and said, "You know it well."

"That's my speciality." Madhav grinned.

"Mother is not around, why?" Arjun asked Nakul.

"She is leaving for Hastinapur the coming morning." Nakul said.

"What? Why?" Arjun asked

"Because," they turned at their mother's voice, "It has been a long day and I had asked you to keep friendly relations with Panchal not that you became their son in law. I want to home, I'm not feeling comfortable here anymore." Those words hurt Arjun to no end. His mother wasn't happy so how can he? Krishna smiled and to lighten the situation's intensity, he started, "Or you are going to prepare for the arrival of your son and daughter in law at Hastinapur? There are a lot of chores a mother has to do for the arrival of the new bride, isn't it?"

Kunti did not reply and walked away.

"No worries, Bhrata, you know what her anger is like. In moments she is angry and in moments she is all okay." Sehdev said, understanding his brother's emotions. Arjun nodded.

"And Bhai, why are you here? You should be--" Arjun glared at Nakul.

"Nakul isn't wrong though." Krishna grinned.

"Madhav, you too?" Arjun rolled his eyes.

"Me what? I'm tell you the practical thing."

"Of course." Arjun sighed.


Draupadi sat in her chamber which was originally decorated for her and Karna. She sighed, her mind was cloud with thoughts.
Her whole incident was in front of her eyes, she couldn't forget it, even if she tries too.

"I'm the reason you are in this situation, so it's my duty to get you out of it."

"Is that all?" Her lotus eyes gazed at him.

"Yes, Panchaali."

These words were ringing in her ears, she had asked this to him in hope of something but his answer surely was satisfying.

It was making her feel like a burden, a baggage. She needed to get out her frustation and a shoulder to finally shed the tears she has been holding back from so long. Arjun was her husband... It should be him but she was unsure.

Am I ready to show him my vulnerable side? She asked herself.

No. Was the answer she got.

"Rajkumari," a maid's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"Yes," she said in a exhausted voice.

"Rajkumar Arjun is arriving here very soon, shall we take out leave?" Said the maid and others nodded.

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