nanase keiko

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tuesday afternoon


you heard a knock on the
door and you glanced towards
the living room to see if kuroo
was going to get up.

he was too focused on the
tv screen as he and the three
other boys were playing video

you decided to grab the door
for him instead and made your
way over to get it.

just a couple steps more to
the door, kuroo had zoomed
passed you and yanked the
door open.

kuroo tetsurou

you only caught a glimpse of
nanase as kuroo was practically
a giant and had pretty broad
shoulders so you tilted your
head and peaked from his side.


she gave him a smile and held
up the clear tupperware she
brought which was obviously
filled with the salad rolls she
had made.

"i brought the goods."

kuroo tetsurou
"i see that."

kuroo stood a little straighter
and lifted an arm to look down
at you.

kuroo tetsurou
"you wanna say hi?"

you blushed and laughed shyly,
standing straight and taking a
step to the side to properly face

the dark haired girl smiled and
laughed warmly.

"y/n, right? i'm nanase keiko."

nanase keiko
"we kinda sorta met back when
i was there to watch the game
but never really got a chance
to talk."

she handed her tupperware to
kuroo and then held her hand
out to you.

you smiled and took it, taking
in the softness of her hands.
you assumed she didn't do any
sort of rough sport since her
hands literally felt like a baby's

"yeah, i'm y/n. kuroo talks a lot
about you."

nanase's face lit up and she
let go of your hand, turning to
kuroo with a bright look.

nanase keiko
"woah there! you talking about
me now, hey?"

kuroo laughed, shaking his head.

kuroo tetsurou
"you're but mere comedic relief
on my part, headass."

nanase laughed.

"come in! it's still a little early
and the other boys are just
playing smash."

nanase smiled and followed
you both inside, taking her
slides off before walking
further behind you and kuroo.

this was the first time you
were talking to her and despite
her and misa being friends, as
you recalled, you felt that they
were very different.

she dress a bit more laidback,
sporting black sttaight cut
corduroy pants and an over
sized shirt with the periodic
table of elements on it.

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