"Just know I'm gonna beat your ass."

"Win or just rank higher than me?"

"Ranking higher than you is easy. You just have to make sure you don't crash."

"Well if Martin didn't take everyone behind him down with him then maybe I could actually beat you," Adams stated.

"That's just poor strategy on your part Clint. Everyone knows Martin is crash prone, especially on resisister plate tracks."

"I can't argue with you on that. Are you going to dinner with Logano before California?"

"Maybe, I haven't decided. Why? You want in?"

"I was just curious to know if Hamlin was invited."

"Hamlin is definitely invited. Do you forget we're on the same team?"

"I thought you two didn't get along?" Aaron saw that Clint was still standing and gestured for him to take a seat knowing full well that this conversation would be dragging on. "Thank you."

"Anytime," Aaron replied. "But I have to ask, are the two of you rivals?"

Charlie replied, "I may not like Clint, but he can be a decent guy when he wants to. He has his redeemable moments."

Adams laughed, "I know you talk behind my back Charlie. I don't have the best track record when it comes to you. But Hamlin and you do."

"Denny is a mentor to me," Charlie curtly replied. "A little friendly rivalry here and there is good."

"Are you kidding? You, Hamlin, and Harvick are impossible to catch."

"That must have taken a lot to say."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Yes Charlie, I admit you are better than I am."

"Well it's good to hear you say that now if you could stop lying to the press that we ever dated that would be much appreciated. A dinner and drinks seems a bit reaching and pathetic if you really think about it."

Adams laughed, "I was just having my fun."

"I wanted to murder you for it. There's a reason I keep my romantic life private."

"You don't have one," Adams stated.

"But everyone assumes I do. That's the issue."

"I assumed you and Hamlin had a thing three or so years ago," Adams admitted.

"Was it at Indy?"

"Yeah, the race where you placed first, Hamlin second, and Harvick third."

"Hamlin did go a bit overboard on victory lane," Charlie laughed.

"Still can't believe he gave you piggie back ride across the entire field."

"It was a hell of a celebration. Logano took me out to drinks. Never try to drink him under the table."

Aaron now had to rethink the entire relationship between Adams and Pierce. The public saw them as enemies. Although he had to admit that while they seemed to have a love hate relationship they were in good standings. Which means that their unsub isn't another competitor or someone close enough to know them in person. A small detail that could help them narrow their suspect list.

Aaron cleared his throat. "Would you like to join us for lunch or were you here with someone?"

"Believe it or not I'm here by myself. I would gladly love to join you. Have you ordered?"

Charlie replied, "We were about to when you arrived. Should we get the usual?"

"With all the fixings? Hell yeah. We might have some leftovers."

"Pfft, nice joke. You know ever well between the two of us we won't."

Aaron was still completely lost. He had no idea who they were talking about. "Excuse me for asking but who were you talking about?"

Adams replied, "Denny Hamlin, Joey Logano, and Kevin Harvick."

"You mean Sliced Bread Logano," Charlie snorted.

"And you're one to talk," Adams snorted. "You have a nickname yourself."

"Don't go there because I know yours too."

"So what is your name," Adams asked Aaron.

"Aaron Hotchner," Aaron replied as he stretched out a hand to shake his.

Adams shook Aaron's hand. "Clint Adams." The waitress noticed a break in the conversation and approached them. "Shall I order?"

"Go right ahead Fire Starter," Charlie wittily replied

"Right back at you Bandit," Clint winked.

"At least my nickname isn't Happy like Harvick."

"Oh Harvick has a long list of nicknames. Now allow me to tell this patient waiter our order," Clint grinned.

"Good evening, may I take your order," the waitress smiled.

Clint ordered their food and allowed them to order their own drinks. It was entertaining for Aaron and Charlie to observe as the woman shamelessly flirted with Clint.

Once the waitress walked away to put in their order Charlie gave Clint a slap on the back. "They don't call you Fire Starter for nothing man."

"What can I say? I'm dripping with good looks."

"Yeah yeah, you're no Frank Sinatra or James Dean bu you're passable."

"So Aaron, are you a lawyer?"

"I was a prosecutor, but I'm currently working in law enforcement."

"That sounds so predictable. Don't you agree Charlie?"

She shrugged, "Not everyone can have a cool job like ours."

"Where do the nicknames come from?" Aaron was curious to learn more about their world.

Charlie explained, "Clint started a fire in practically every race of his first season."

"You exaggerate. I got fire gear after the third time," Clint protested.

"And how about Charlie," Aaron asked Clint.

Clint smiled, "She drives like she's a bandit on the run. Short and simple."

"Sliced bread?"

"Someone called Logano the best thing that's happened since sliced bread." Clint took a sip of his drink. "Basically nicknames can be totally random and fans love them."

"Are you guys friends off track?"

"I'll take this one," Charlie stated. "Yes and no. We don't spend as much time together off track than people think. And if we do it's usually on plane rides, family barbeques, and stuff. The girlfriends and wives hangout more often than we do."

"Basically as the only female racer on the podium Charlie here has-"

"We are not talking about how I met Hamlin."

"Charlie, you're only making the man more curious."

Aaron watched as the witty banter between them continued. Food arrived and the conversation shifted to Aaron and family. Aaron found it shocking that he was not at all surprised that racing was the only topic these people could talk about. It was their lives and they reveled in every second of it.

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