A Starving Animal

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You grabbed onto it from the plate he was still holding, eagerly biting into it and munching away. It had everything you liked on it, it was like the ones you would choose from the options you had from when you were at the institute, he had been watching you a lot closer than you realized.

You finished the whole thing in under a minute. He watched you like a wolf as he unscrewed the lid off of a water bottle and held it over to you. You all but snatched it from his hands and downed the whole thing. Flinching away from his hand as he reached his up to stroke his fingers down your jawline.

You crunched the plastic under your figures as you took in a deep breath of air. Looking into Joshua's dark brown eyes as the crinkling sound filled the room.

" I want to take a shower." You said. He blinked at you but did not respond, there was a long moment of silence as he looked deep into your E/C orbs. He took a deep breath through his nose.

" Alright, but I will not go more than ten feet away from you, and You have to be blindfolded while heading there." He said. You glared over at him.

" Can't a girl get a little privacy?" You grumbled and he glared back.

" Those are my conditions, if you don't like them you are staying right here." He finished and you growled at him. You would think you would be a little more scared in his presence since he did just kidnap you. You WERE scared, but that was the last thing the hunted needed to show the hunter.

You looked down at the blood staining your clothes. You did not want to give in but you could not stay in contact with others people's blood like this. You whined before nodding your head, looking down and refusing to meet his gaze.

He said nothing. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the blindfold. Your frown went from that of an angry one to a sad and scared one as he gently tied it around your head and your sight was blocked.

There was a clinking as he unlocked your shackle. You squeaked as he picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the attic. Using his boot to kick open the door before he descended down some steps.

You bounced slightly in his old, clinging onto his shoulders for supports since you could not see anything. When his steps evened out he walked down what you assumed was a hall for a few seconds before using his foot to kick open another door.

He closed his behind him and gently set you down on your feet. Making sure you were steady and balanced before reaching up and untieing the blindfold.

The bathroom before you was rather spacious. There was a sink and toilet on one side with a good-sized tub with a showerhead on the other. There were no windows. You turned around to look up at Joshua as he just stared down at you.

" Can't you just stand right outside the door?" You huffed at him. He stared down at you for a second longer before turning around and walking out of the bathroom without a word.

The second the door was closed you ran over to the shower and turned the water on. When the should of running water filled the room you took the opportunity to silently sob.

You placed a hand over your eyes as you leaned against the tub. Your shoulders bouncing and your Boddy shaking as tears rolled down your cheeks.

You shook even harder as you realized you still had the old couple's blood on you. You tore the clothing off of you and threw it across the room. You had no spare clothes, but you would see if any of the old ladies' clothes fit you. You were in a dead person's house, using a dead person's shower.

You did not want too, but it was better than being covered in blood. You took care of other needs from being crammed in a trunk for a few days before stepping into the shower.

The hot water felt nice against your skin and you immediately started cleaning your body off. Watching sadly as the red water washed down the drain.

You jumped and your heart started pounding when you heard the door open and close after heavy footsteps walked in. Thank goodness the shower curtain was not see-through. Even though, you still tried to cover your exposed body.

" I thought you were going to wait outside!?" You shouted over the running water. staring wide-eyed at the shower curtain.

" You were taking too long." Was the response his gruff voice gave you. You shivered at his words. You were done anyway, cleaned off, and washed away of innocent blood.

You turned off the shower and quickly reached your arm out for the towel hanging just outside the curtain, wrapping it around your body as quickly as possible as you heard Joshua's footsteps approaching.

He yanked the shower curtain to the side and you jumped as you looked at him with wide fearful eyes. His eyes were that of a predator as he watched his prey cornered with nowhere to run and most exposed. He took out the blindfold again and put it in place on your head as to be picked you up bridal style once more.

Water still dripped of you as he carried you out of the room and up the stairs. Taking you back into the attic room. You shouted in alarm as you were pushed onto the mattress instead of set on it. Joshua caged your body down with his as you struggled.

You let out a squeal as you felt his tongue slide against the wet skin on your shoulder. You shouted at him to stop, pleaded for him to end this but he ignored your cries as he kissed and nipped up your neck until he was smashing his lips against yours.

You clawed at his arms but he simply grabbed your left wrist and pinned it above your head. You could feel the towel slipping slightly as you struggled and you ceased some of your movements to keep it from exposing you to your captor.

He growled into your mouth before breaking the kiss and taking your ear in between his teeth. You still had the blindfold on, you felt even more helpless considering you could not see the look in his eyes.

He released your ear before getting really close up in your face. breathing hot breath across your cheek as he took in deep pants.

" Your too much of a snack Y/N. And I am a starving animal. You have no idea how much I dreamed of this. Fantasizing of touching you and kissing you. wanting to feel you against my skin as I pleasured myself to the thoughts." He moaned into your ear.

You screamed against him as you felt his hand sliding up your still wet legs, closer and closer to the area he should not be. He placed slow kisses down your neck before biting down on this skin harshly, making you gasp in pain. His fingers brushed your inner thigh, Way too far up your legs and you kicked out again as your struggling picked up full force.

" JOSHUA!!" You screamed his name, pleading for him to stop and relief filled your soul as he actually stood up off of you, reattaching your shackle and taking the blindfold off as you shot up and back against the wall. You glare up at him.

" I-I n-n-need mo-re clothes." You stuttered out. he shook his head at your helpless form.

" No... I think I leave you like this for the night. It's time for bed." he finished. Waling over to the light and switching it off. You only heard his footsteps approach before he grabbed you and layed you down on the mattress.

You struggled in his hold but he did not climb on top of you again. You heard him talking off his shoes and removing his jacket before laying down next to you. Spooning you against him as he pulled the blanket up over the two of you.

He must have removed his shirt too because you felt his chest skin contact your drying back. You tried so very hard to ignore the painfully obvious clothed erection that was pressed against your bottom.

You cried and shook against him as he wrapped his arms around you. Trapping you to him as he planted another kiss behind your ear.

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