Part 7

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Kakariko wasn't that far, but with Twilight's leg, the journey there was torturous. They had to stop and rest quite often. Twilight was afraid at some point Wild would become too frustrated with him and leave his ass in the middle of nowhere, promise or not. Wild grumbled the entire time but continued on, checking on Twilight's wound and changing the bandage when needed.

When they were only a few miles away they rested again. While Twilight sat down on a warm rock, Wild picked up a couple of stones from the ground and began skipping them across a nearby lake.

"Where will you go after this?" Twilight asked.

"Dunno," said Wild. He threw another stone and it skipped four times before sinking. "I'll just go."

"Seems aimless. You have a house at Hateno village, did you know that? You could go there."

"Why? So you can keep an eye on me?"

"I'd rather know you're safe somewhere."

Wild groaned and turned around, tossing his handful of stones aside. "Why do you care so much? Am I your brother or something?"


Wild straightened at that, surprised by the answer. He looked away. "Oh."

Twilight leaned forward, studying him. That was a different response. "Does that change things?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know," Wild said. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because you didn't want to listen. Are you willing to now?"

Wild was quiet for a long moment. He then shook his head. "No thanks."

"Can I ask why?"

"Dude..." Wild groaned. "C'mon. Don't make this shit awkward."

"I'm just curious. If the situation was reversed, I'd do anything to find out who I was."

"Even if it means finding out what did this?"

Wild ran the back of his knuckles over his scarred cheek.

"And this?"

He pulled up his sleeve, revealing more scars.

"And these?"

He lifted up his shirt, showing off the deep burns on his stomach.

"It make for an interesting story," Twilight said, trying for a smile and failing. "Girls like scars."

Wild let his shirt drop. "Except I think they'd be put off by the screaming."


"Loud screaming," Wild said. "Last memory I have. There's... darkness. And... screaming. Endless. Thinking about it gives me a headache."

He was referring to when he was inside the chamber. The only thing he could remember was being buried alive, screaming to be let out.

Wild continued. "I'm not sure I want to remember what that was. Or what led up to it. Do you blame me for wanting to avoid that?"

Twilight swallowed. "No... I don't."

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