If Only

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[Image: Open journal on table with journal entry and portrait of Bucky Barnes on left side, stack of postcards on right

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[Image: Open journal on table with journal entry and portrait of Bucky Barnes on left side, stack of postcards on right. The top postcard being one of a plaque of the Black Wall Street Memorial in Pioneers Garden with the date "1996"]

  The top postcard being one of a plaque of the Black Wall Street Memorial in Pioneers Garden with the date "1996"]

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[Image: Journal entry at top of page where Steve wrote: "Dreamt of you again. If you were here, you'd make a crude comment that would make me blush. Then, you'd try to convince me to stay in bed a little longer, as if I would need that much convincing to begin with. If only we could go back to that time. If only you weren't haunting my dreams. Weren't haunting me." At bottom of page is an impressive illustration of Bucky Barnes from "Infinity Warm" being dusted with his vibranium arm outstretched towards the artist.]

[Image: Plain postcard back with quote: "Place a headstone at this site of your victory

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[Image: Plain postcard back with quote: "Place a headstone at this site of your victory." Steve wrote: "I don't recall ever learning about Black Wall Street in school. Of course, that doesn't surprise me. Not with how racism thrived while I was in the ice. That's probably the thing that pisses me off the most. Although the ice kept me alive, I still gave up my life for a better world. And it angers me beyond what I could've ever imagined to find out that it was all a waste. People were still murdered when I was frozen, and people are still murdered. And although we have progressed, we can't stop now. No matter what other awful things happen in the world, we need to stand up for what is right. Even with Thanos snapping half of all life out of existence, we can not turn a blind eye to intolerance. The ones taken deserved better. The ones still here deserve better. The air is still tense with the pain and heartbreak, but is also filled with determination. And I will do whatever I can to help."]

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