preacher man ~ song blurb

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preacher man ~ THE DRIVER ERA


   "Fix my soul so I don't lose her love again." Draco stared at the ceiling, stumbling into your shared dorm. It was 6am that he was coming back, but this wasn't the first time it had happened. If asked, you probably could've counted on two hands the amount of times Draco had spent a night out, god knows where. He was usually drunk off his ass, trying not to trip on the way in, but this morning, he was sober; wide eyed and sober. The bags under his eyes were disastrous, showing that he hadn't slept a wink. His hair was disheveled, pointing every which way. His green tie hung on his neck, completely undone. The top two buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned, showing his pale chest. 

   There you were, sat upright on his four-poster, waiting upon his arrival. "Draco." You greeted him coldly, not wanting to hear his string of excuses.

   "Y/N." He echoed, gulping. Neither of you said anything, too afraid of the truth. "I was out," He finally decided.

   "I saw," You replied, staring out the window, trying to find the sunrise. Draco walked over to the bed, cautiously. 

   "I don't want to play with your heart anymore." He licked his lips, lost in thought. "I believe there's something more to us."

   You stared at him. You felt nothing for him. No love, no happiness, not even anger or sadness. You were numb to his antics. You certainly weren't upset with him, but you also couldn't continue this. "It's just..." You trailed off, breathing heavily. "It's too late," You declared.

   "No, no, no," Draco repeated, looking as though glass was piercing his sensitive skin. "I'm ashamed, Y/N. I'm ashamed of the places I've been. Please. You can help me, can't you? Help me get away from this life... This life of sin... Please."

   You truly felt nothing. Somehow, that hurt more than anything else. The fact that he had done this so many times, causing you to become completely desensitized. 

   "My conscience told me-"

   "I don't give a fuck," You spat, coldly. "Go fix yourself. It's not my job anymore." Draco stared, not sure how to respond. He still wanted you in his life, he really did. He just had to get his shit together. 

   "Y/N, please."

   "It's too late." You collected yourself off the bed, making your way towards the door. You didn't care where you went, you could find sleeping arrangements later, you just had to get out of there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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