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The misty fog clears up after the 11:30 train departs, revealing the bustling station. Remus grips his train ticket in one hand and his beaten suitcase in the other. The handful of clothes he owns are stuffed inside alongside his toothbrush and three of his favorite books. On his back rests his loyal backpack - the only thing he trusted to carry his laptop, journal, and articles. His only pair of shoes rest on his feet, still soggy from the day before. It didn't take much to convince his roommates to let him go. In fact, he really just waved goodbye and walked out the door.

Time taunts Remus as he waits patiently on the bench. He pinches his wrist a few times, a nervous tick of his, while watching the second hand on the clock torturously spin around. A small flutter in Remus' stomach puts him on edge - more so than he already is. His eyes dart towards the exit and a part of him begins to stand up.

"No Remus," he mutters to himself. "You're going to London."

But...what if this is a big mistake? he contemplates. Surely Shana will give him his job back if he begged.

The 12 o'clock train pulls up just on time and people begin to file in. Remus swallows the lump in his throat, forcing himself to stand up. His head is airy, and everything before him begins to blur. One small step in front of the other carries him from the overcrowded bench to the train. He grabs the steel metal of the doorway, taking a deep breath. This was it. There was no going back. Well, he could always buy another ticket back -

"Oi!" the burly man behind him grunts. "Get a move on mate!"

"Blimey!" another woman screeches. "What's with yeh?

Remus stumbles over his feet as he walks onto the train. Most of the seats begin filling up quickly leaving Remus to grab the first seat available. He slides in, securing his belongings against the window. A young man sits across from him with his face buried in the daily newspaper. The tips of his raven black hair are only visible behind the massive headline reading, BIG BUSINESS BEHIND MONEY SCANDAL, published by the Harper Post. Shana. Remus groans, slumping into his seat. It doesn't take long for the train to start moving, chugging along until the station is long gone.

Ambient chatter fills the train becoming a distant buzz in Remus' ears. The sun peaks in the cloudless sky, shining brightly over the countryside. His eyes are trained on the hills outside whirling by when a small gurgle erupts from his stomach.

"First time on a train?"

The voice startles Remus at first. He glances around a moment before realizing it was the guy reading the paper. He licks his lips nervously before answering, "Um no. Just a big move."

"To London?"

"As long as I didn't board the wrong train."

"What's in London?" The page of the newspaper flips with a soft crinkle that was music to Remus' ears.

"A new life."

"Ah, I see. Bad break up?"

Remus blushes, shaking his head despite the fact the other can't see him. "No not that. Just a shitty life. What about you?"

"I'm coming back from visiting an old friend. Interesting bloke."

A silence falls amongst them. Remus wipes his hands against his trousers, debating whether or not to speak again. He opens his mouth, shutting it moments after without a word. Come on Lupin, he urges himself. Make one friend. That's already one more than you had back at home.

"So what's your name?" Remus blurts rather loudly.

A few heads turn in his direction but nobody says anything.

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