Research and Travel Ban

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Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Haruichi Furudate. None of the art belongs to me. Full credits go to the various artists. Author-chan out!

"You're an asshole."

Shirabu Kenjirou, official setter and student at Shiratorizawa Academy, sighed. "Eita, relax, it's just for a few days."

Semi Eita, Shirabu's salty senpai and boyfriend, glared at him. "You're still an asshole. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I just got a plane ticket. I didn't think I would be able to go, since travel is being restricted like crazy for COVID-19. Look, it's a short trip. I'll fly out to Akita, spend a week there for my research, submit my paper, and fly back."

"Why can't you research here?"

"Have you seen Miyagi's libraries? There's not enough research on my topic to write three pages on, let alone a 20 page essay that just happens to be 50% of my grade and my final project for English Literature."

Semi sighed. "Whatever. But I still hate you."

"Yeah, me too," Shirabu teased. He knew Eita wasn't really mad at him. 

"When do you leave?" 

"Tomorrow. Plane lines are closing down because of the COVID-19 crisis, so I was lucky to get a ticket at all. I already reserved my ticket for the flight back." Kenjirou smiled at his boyfriend. "But I'm done packing, and I don't have any plans for tonight if you want to do something."

"Nope, too tired from volleyball practice." Eita smirked.

Kenjirou raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" He kissed the salty server on the lips. "Well, I guess that's it for tonight then," he teased.

Semi smirked even more. "Maybe I'll get a second wind." He kissed Shirabu and ran his tongue along the second year's mouth, asking for entrance. Shirabu gave it to him and ran his fingers through Semi's hair.

They broke away, gasping for air. Kenjirou looked teasingly at the third year. "Did you find your second wind yet?"

"No. I think I'll find it somewhere more comfortable than your desk," Eita said.

"Well, why didn't you say so?" They walked to Shirabu's bedroom. He lived alone, so they didn't have to worry about any interruptions. Semi stopped just inside the bedroom.

"Do you know what happens when you leave me?" he asked. Shivers of desire ran up Kenjirou's spine. "You get punished," Eita breathed.

A week later, Kenjirou sighed and stood up to walk back to his hotel. He had just submitted his final essay for his English Literature class online, and he was exhausted from all the stress. Ugh, this grade had better be worth it. Well, I'll fly back to Miyagi tomorrow. I'd better get some sleep, I have to be awake at 6 to catch my flight, he thought. But when he got back to the hotel, he couldn't sleep. He turned on the news.

A blonde reporter in front of the Tokyo Skytree appeared on the TV screen. "Hello, I'm Miya Atsumu reporting live from Tokyo, and today's news is all about the coronavirus crisis. Cases are spiking exponentially here in Japan, and the national government has decided to place mandatory quarantine on the cities of Tokyo, Osaka, Akita, and Yokohama in five days in order to restrict the spread of the virus. A full travel ban will be applied to Tokyo, Osaka, Akita, and Yokohama in five days as well. There is a full travel ban on Miyagi, Kyoto, and Saitama, effective immediately. All lines of transportation, such as airplane flights, bus stations, car routes, and bike paths leading out of the city of origin are closed indefinitely." Kenjirou froze, all thoughts of sleep forgotten.

Travel Ban SemishiraWhere stories live. Discover now