Chapter Twenty Six

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I must've dozed off, for an hour or two. When I woke up, I felt my body shift to the side and it felt like I fell on a cushion. When my vision adjusted, I saw Carmelita staring at me with a wide grin. "Wakey Wakey," she eerily whispered. The car made another turn and I smashed my head against the window. It's gonna take about an hour to get out of the city so you better say your goodbyes to the city because it's the last time you're going to see this filthy place," Esme grinned in the mirror. I had to think of a way to get out of the car before we left the city.

If only my hands weren't bound together, I could jiggle at the door like I did last time. I couldn't break through the cable ties like I did before with the ribbon, so I had to find a different method. Then, it hit me like a thousand bricks, the only way I was going to be able to jiggle at the door without looking suspicious, was to move my hands underneath my legs and slowly move them until they were in front of me.

Luckily, my arms were long enough so it wouldn't hurt as much. I knew that I would risk slicing my wrists with the cable ties around them, but I would rather bleed out than get murdered in the hinterlands. I ground my teeth together as I moved my hands underneath my legs and moved them down to my legs. After a minute had passed, my bound hands were in front of me. I lightly jiggled at the door and wanted to let out a sigh.

Locked, of course, I should've known. I knew then and there I need to be clever if I wanted to escape. I couldn't break the window that would be too much noise, it seemed like only a miracle could save my life. "Mommy, can we stop at the store for a second I'm hungry," Carmelita groaned overdramatically. Esme let out a loud sigh, "Alright, but we have to make it quick before the cops see us," She pulled into a small gas station. "You stay here, and don't do anything stupid," Esme growled. She and Carmelita got out of the car and headed inside the store.

I looked for a potential exit route, then I noticed a small console of buttons on Esme's side of the car. I reached over and looked for the right button to unlock the back doors. But before I could do anything, I saw Esme and Carmelita run out of the store, their arms full of snacks. I quickly moved back to the backseat. "That was a bad idea, Carmelita, the clerk recognized us and now he's calling the police!" Esme shouted not bothering to put on her seatbelt. Carmelita tossed the snacks into the backseat, and the car sped off. "We need to get to the hinterlands before the cops find us," Esme panted. But she said those words too late.

The sound of sirens filled the air, I looked over and saw two cop cars were following us. "Esme, what are we going to do?" Carmelita panicked.

Teenage Dream Klaus Baudelaire X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now