Artemis Fowl the Second

Final Will and Testament

Holly was tempted to open it right then and there, but she knew Butler would want to see it. She jogged out of the room and down the hallway, towards the stairs. The scrambled down them, and headed to the living room. Butler sat on one of the couches and was hunched over an old photo album. Probably Artemis’s baby pictures, Holly thought.  She walked up behind him and looked down at the album. She was indeed right. It was Artemis as an infant, and it almost brought Holly to tears.

“Butler,” she said, her voice raspy and just above a whisper. “I found this.” She placed the manila envelope on the glass coffee table. Butler grabbed at almost the same second she had set it down.  He ripped open the seal and placed the documents on the table. He didn’t bother with the will, for Artemis’s parents would most likely want to be the first to look at it. Instead, he snatched another envelope with his name on it. After tearing it open, he read the letter that was inside.

Dear Butler,

I’m so sorry I had to do this, but it had to be done. There was no other way to stop Opal, and I hope you can understand. I wanted to save you, my family, humanity, and Holly. You have helped me with through so much old friend, and  it was my turn to help.

I have updated my will and testament, but do not open it without mother or father. And, though it is not mentioned in the will, tell the boys I left their birthday presents under my bed. They may open them anytime they wish. As for you, Juliet, mother and father, it’s in the will. Holly, Foaly, and Mulch will also be receiving something from me. Foaly has his instructions, Mulch has his directions, and the thirty seven bars of gold from Holly’s ransom are in my personal safe. The code is 0 1 0 9.

Domovoi, you are not a failure, and I need to let you know that. I chose to do this, and there was nothing you could’ve done anyway. You were unconscious, after all. I’m sorry for breaking our promise and for lying to you. But it was not your fault.

I love you old friend. Goodbye.

Artemis Fowl

Butler folded the paper and slid it back into the torn envelope. He placed it on the table next to another envelope, but this one was slightly different from his. First, it didn’t have his name on it, it said Holly on it. And secondly, the envelope wasn’t ivory, but a beautiful pale green, Holly’s favorite color. He picked it up and handed it her.

“This one is yours.”

She didn’t open it immediately, but rather stared at the front. Her name was written beautifully, and only someone who was a skilled calligrapher could achieve such beauty. But when studied closer, Holly could make out the tiny stray marks that were a dead giveaway that Artemis was nervous and that his hands were shaking. She opened the seal carefully, trying not to rip the alluring handwriting. Inside her envelope were two items: a piece of neatly folded paper and a necklace. She selected the paper first and unfolded it, reading silently to herself.

My dearest Holly,

I know my death will cause you much pain and I am deeply sorry that I have done that to you. I had no other way of making sure that the lock stayed locked though. I could’ve made it out, but the chances were slim anyway. But you’ve saved my life and protected me too many times. It was my turn to save you. And I give you every right to be mad if you must be, and I would not blame you if you were.  

Holly, I feel that I have to thank you, and I know I must. I have to thank you for saving my father, mother, Butler, and in many cases me. Thank you for changing me. If it wasn’t for you, I would have still been a broken boy. Thank you Holly, for all the good and bad times and for the friendship you have allowed me to make with you. Thank you for the awkward moments, the funny moments, and the sad ones. I will hold them all close to my heart, even after I pass.

Holly noticed the tears marks that were scattered all over the page. Oh Artemis…

You are a very strong, independent, beautiful woman Holly. You can handle yourself without me, though I know some days will be hard. But you are strong willed and determined. These are the reasons you are my best friend Holly. Anyone should feel lucky to be even standing next to girl like you. With your temper, fiery personality, and independence, you can do anything. That includes getting over me, which I wish you will accomplish soon.

I have left you something special. Something that you gave me and I will not need it where I am going. So I am returning it to you, though you already have a part of me.

I love you. Forever and Always.


Holly wiped that tears from her eyes as she grabbed the second item in the pale green envelope. It was a necklace, but the pendant was familiar. Holly studied it for a while before she recognized it. It was the same one she had given Artemis after she saved his father. He kept it…

She felt her knees buckle beneath her and she collapsed to the ground, holding the letter and the necklace close to her chest. The sobs racked her small frame and she felt as though she was going to pop any second. She wanted to scream, cry, and wish Artemis back. She wanted him with her so bad, but what’s done was done, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Butler shifted from the couch to the ground and wrapped his arms around her. He held her and rubbed her back gently. Holly cried into his chest, causing little wet spots to appear on his shirt. They sat there for a while before Artemis’s words really sunk in.

“He said that he loved me.”  Holly murmured. And I love him back.

Late Afternoon

Angeline and Artemis Fowl senior did not arrive home until later that afternoon. Butler greeted them at the door, which was unusually to them. It was either the twins with Juliet or Butler, or Artemis.

Something is wrong. Angeline thought, placing her purse on a small table but the front door.

“We need to speak privately, Mr. and Mrs. Fowl. It’s about Artemis.” Butler said. They both nodded and followed Butler to the living room where a small girl was waiting. Artemis Senior noticed immediately that this was no ordinary girl, for she had pointed ears and a very adult like figure.

“So, the rumors are true.” He said, sitting on the couch across from Holly. She looked up and extended her hand.

“Yes sir, they are.” Artemis shook her hand. “I’m Captain Holly Short.”

Angeline’s face perked up at the name. “So you’re the famous Holly Artemis is always telling me about. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”  Angeline walked over to her and bent down to her level to hug her. When she pulled away, Holly smiled, but Angeline could see the sadness in her swollen mismatched eyes.

“Where is Arty?”

Butler looked over at Holly, giving her an encouraging nod. You can do this.

Holly had never had to deliver a death message to a family before. That was usually the commander’s job. But at this point, she didn’t have a choice. Artemis was her best friend, and she would tell his parents that he had died to save the world. “Artemis is… was a very smart young man.” She began, taking a seat. Angeline sat next to her; a worried looked on her face. “He was a very selfless person. He…” Holly’s voice caught in her throat and she felt the tears building up in her eyes. She stood up from the couch, walking past Butler. “I’m sorry.”

Butler continued for her. She heard the sadness laced in his husky tones when he spoke.

“Artemis is…dead.”

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