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"You'll never be anything."

"White boy thinks he's gonna rap!"

"Bird turd thinks he's gonna be something."

"You're nothing."

The young male growled to himself. He was tired of all the names. He was tired of all the fights. He was tired of faking it. He was tired of  being put down. He was tried of accepting that he was nothing. "I'm not nothing." he told himself.

He was sitting in his room drawing on his DS. He was making a little animation to put on Flip Note Hatena. He was super proud of it as he watched it upload.

He wasn't gonna let the words of some jerks stop him from doing what he loved. He was gonna do what he wanted and succeed no matter what. and he didn't he wouldn't care. He didn't give a flying fuck about what other people said.

"I'll show them." he told himself.

"Not only am I something.

I'm something else."

On the Stage - Jadam StoryWhere stories live. Discover now