Who Am I?

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Who am I?

Three words. Three simple words that can merit anything from a one word answer to an entire novel.

I'll start small, I am Morgan. But, am I sure that my chosen name is right for me? Am I really who I say? Or am I what I chose to believe?

Not very helpful, another three words that brought up far too many questions.

I have anxiety and depression. Or do I? I've never been diagnosed so who am I to decide what's wrong with my brain?

I am a nonbinary person that is attracted to women. I know I like women, but I was the girliest little thing on Earth when I was younger. How can I be nonbinary now if I was so feminine before? Have I tricked myself into believing this just because of my inexplicable urge to want to be unique?

I want to be a Psychiatrist when I'm older. But don't I want to be an artist? Am I only saying psychiatrist because I feel like I'd waste my intelligence if I were to go into anything that wasn't considered traditionally academic?

I don't really like people. I guess this is undoubtedly true... But, I do suppose it's far more than just not liking people. I have an enormous anxiety about interaction that makes me avoid talking to anyone and everyone, including the people that could have been the greatest friends of my life. Another undoubtable truth, I have lost many friends, and I caused nearly every falling out.

I don't know who I am, I don't know what I want, and everyone's telling me that I have plenty of time to figure it out, but is it too selfish to want to know now?

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