I shut off my phone, no longer distracted by my family that lived a few hours away. I did really miss them at times.

I decided to go to university in New York, and everyone was still back in my hometown in Connecticut. I'm currently a freshman majoring in, you guessed it, Math.

A gust of wind blows a few papers onto the sidewalk in front of me, and I roll my eyes. Of course this has to happen to me.

I take out my headphones and bend down to pick them up, only to get even more scattered as more wind decides to show up.

This is why I rarely study outside. I only did it today because I felt the need for a breath of fresh air after spending so much unwanted time inside various college campus buildings.

I see another hand pick up a few papers of mine, and I look over to see a man, gently smiling at me, and handing me back my papers.

He has strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, fair skin, and easily a decently built frame under a lacrosse hoodie that he wore.

"Thank you." I whisper, still trying to take in the sight of the man helping me.

And only then did I realize I was wearing my reading glasses, my dirty white NASA sweater, and some simple sweatpants with my dirty blonde hair in a mess of a bun at the top of my head. My long hair was not willing to cooperate with me, so something simple and out of the way would benefit me greatly. Also I'm almost positive my tan skin appeared almost pale in the cloudy outdoors, and my green eyes standing out like the color usually did.

I usually never look like this and take more time into my appearance, but hey, it was midterms and college is exhausting.

"No problem. I'm Boston." We both stand up as he introduces himself, and I carefully take his hand and give it a firm shake once I get the papers under semi-control in my arms.

"Zoe Madison. I have two first names. It's like an Anne-Marie situation." I look at him and back down to my math homework. I begin to sort the papers out in my hands so that they were back in the order that I just had them in- before the wind skewed them everywhere on the sidewalk.

"Two names?" He questions, his smile growing wider and friendlier.

"Is that such a surprise? I mean, you're named after a city." I narrow my green eyes suspiciously.

"Touché. Anyways, which name would you like me to call you?"

"Madi. Only people that are close to me call me Zoe." I shrug, and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Darn, I was really hoping I could call you Zoe." Boston jokes, and I give a 'hmph' type of laugh. Although he may be friendly, he certainly was ridiculous.

"Then I guess you just have to earn the right." I grab my bag and put my homework back in it, thankful that I didn't lose any work. I zip it up and sling it over my shoulders.

"Ah. Where shall I start then? By complimenting you, or asking you for a cup of coffee?" He tilts his head, watching me patiently as I put my homework away.

"Preferably the compliment, because I don't like coffee." I scrunch up my nose at the thought of the bitter liquid.

He goes pale at my confession, and I give myself a pat on the back. Mentally, of course.

"Well, you are one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. Would you like to go grab tea with me?" Boston tries, and I do everything in my power not to laugh. He was quickly breaking down my annoyed and exhausted attitude, plus i'm starving.

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