Chapter Five

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*Chase Elliott's POV*

My best friend Ryan Blaney and I got off the golf cart we were on when it stopped. Ryan was about to walk away when I stopped him. "Ryan," I called. He stopped and turned towards me. "You saw those girls right?"

"Yeah, Chase, of course I did," Ryan declared. "That girl was so beautiful! I wish we had time to stop and talk because good Lord I wanna know her."

I knew he was not talking about the girl I had my eyes on because I noticed he stared at the girl who was with my girl. My girl. Even saying it in my head made my heart flutter. "She was cute, but, man, that girl she was with...she was gorgeous. I don't even know her but I can already tell she's not like the other girls we find at these race tracks," I told him.

"Yeah, they were different," Ryan admitted. "I hope we run into them again."

"I do too, because if we don't, not stopping and talking to her will be a moment I will always regret," I said while shaking my head.

"Ain't that the truth," Ryan agreed.

We started walking towards my boss Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s garage. I could not get that girl off my mind. I kept seeing her blue green eyes staring into mine while she smiled at me. I could tell she was shy, but I like that in a girl. Her blonde/brown hair was so beautiful and long, and she was tall and skinny. She was wearing cowboy boots which I am a sucker for, and her Daisy Duke cut off shorts almost brought out the not so innocent side of my attraction to her.

We eventually reach Dale's garage, and I saw Steve Latarte, Dale's pit crew chief, standing by the car. I walked up to him and asked him where Dale was.

"I think he may have went over to the diner with Amy to grab a bite to eat," Steve answered.

"Okay," I said. "Thanks, man, I was just wanting I ask him what he thought about the track in yesterday's practice run and ask for tips on what I should do. Our cars do have the same setup this week."

"Yeah, it's no problem. Just look there first," he said.

"Alright. Bye guys," I said as I left.

Me and Ryan started walking out of the garage area the way we came in. Ryan nudged me and pointed to the left of him. I instantly saw what he was gesturing to. The two girls we had seen while riding the golf cart were walking towards us. I saw Ryan's girl whisper something to mine, and then my girl began walking.

My girl was walking towards me, and she did not look like she was going to go elsewhere. She was headed straight at me. I instantly became nervous which surprised me, because I am never nervous around girls. But she was different. She walked right up to me and stopped.

She smiled nervously at the ground and pushed her hair out of her eyes and behind her ears, then she smiled at me. Her smile made my stomach lurch forward in the best way possible.

"Hi," she said nervously but calmly. "How's it goin?" she asked. Her voice was soft and sweet yet flirty and determined and she had the most adorable southern accent I had ever heard.

"Hey," I shouted. I could not help it; the word just flew out of my mouth in the weirdest way possible. I sounded like I was surprised or something. Way to make yourself look stupid, Moron! I thought to myself. "It's goin good," I managed to say. Phew. At least I was able to control my voice.

"Good to hear," she said. "I just wanted to say good luck in today's race."

"Thanks," I replied. "I appreciate it." I said it with a wink and I could see that made her happy because she blushed when I did it.

"You're more than welcome. I'll see you around." She said the last sentence as more of a question, so I reassured her that I wanted to see her again.

"See you around," I said. I tried to sound flirty but serious, but I don't know if I pulled it off.

She started walking off, but not before she smiled again and winked. She winked at me. Guys are not supposed to feel giggly inside, but when she winked at me, I could not help it.

She walked away, but her friend waited behind a little. She walked up to Ryan and said "Hi, see you around," even more shyly than my girl did.

Ryan looked a little shocked, but quickly gained composure and said, "See you around." the guy in me knew he was checking out her a double s as she walked away to go catch up with my girl.

As they walked away, my girl turned around to get one last glance which made me happy. My and Ryan both turned around and started walking backwards so we could watch them. Hate to see em go but love to watch em leave was painfully true that day.

Ryan and I turned back around when the girls were out of sight and started making our way towards the diner. I said a little prayer that I would see my girl again. I did not even know her, but I knew I wanted her to be mine.

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