Chapter 44

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Loren's POV

After posting and seeing that Jordyn fucking commented on my post i got up from my bed and walked out of my room and went into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat to calm down and try not want to beat the holy shit out of her if i ever see her again. 

~few hours later~

i went to the mall to hang out with some friends and they tried there best to make me laugh and smile and to just make me happy in general and it worked cus i was happy all day but it was time to go home cus it was getting late.

i told everyone goodbye and went home and on my way inside i noticed the front door was opened and i started to panic cus i swore i locked it before i left but that didn't stop me from going inside and once i was inside i grabbed the metal bat i had my the door and i checked everywhere in the house and it was clear no was here so i went to my room and put the bat down.

I decided to take a shower so i grabbed a oversized sweatshirt and underwear/bra and went into the bathroom cus i don't feel like wearing pants to sleep and i turn on hot water i can stand and undress and get in the shower.

After a few hours i finally get out of the shower cus who doesn't like long ass showers anyways i dry myself and get dressed and brush my teeth and then i turn the light off and then i go to my room and turn off the light and lay down but i noticed something/someone in the conner of my eye.

I jumped up and tried to grab the bat but it was to late the person was already in front of me and they shot me twice with the gun they had in there hand and i fall to floor slowly bleeding out but before i completely blacked out i saw the face of the person who shot and tbh i wasn't surprised bc it was Jordyn and i wish that bitch would've died as well...

The next thing i know after blacking out..i somehow wake up in a pitch black room and i slowly get up from the bed and turn on the light and i realize i'm in my room and i slowly walk out and go into the kitchen and that's when i see him...i start to tear up and scream "MARK" and i run to him and hug him tightly.

I look up at him and he looks worried. "Are you ok babe! did something happen ?!" He says i look at him "i thought you were dead.. i guess it was just a nightmare" i say and he kisses my head and hugs me tightly. "it was a nightmare bebe cus your we're yellin and crying in your nightmare and i was about to come upstairs and check up on you"

~few hours later~

We finally went to bed after watching so many movies and eating snacks and stuff.

~few years later~

Mark's POV

"Push one more time the baby is almost here" i hear the doctor say while Loren is trying to push out our baby boy and she's literally squeezing the hell outta my hand.

The next thing i hear is a baby crying and seeing the doctors clear the baby off and put him in a diaper and wrap him in the little blanket and hands him back to Loren i almost cry.
"What's his name" the doctor asks "His name is Christopher" Loren says and i smile.

~few more years later~

Loren's POV

Mark, Christopher and I just got home from the pet store and we got a little Australian Shepherd puppy and we named her Samara and we lived happily ever after.

                   THE END!!

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