He Didn't Just Kiss Me

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Heyy guys, I'm back in action again. Hope u enjoyed the first chapter I made of this fanfiction. And I also hope u enjoy the second chapter in about to write. Ok enough chit chat, let's get into this...

Deka's P.O.V:

As he walked back into his mansion after saying farewell to everyone of his friends. He then dismissed all of his butlers and maids.

"Ok, all of you are dismissed. Except for you, Deka. You must accompany me back to my room."

"Wait what?!?" I was shocked.

"It's a trap, Deka." Ochaco tried to warn me. But I didn't listen.

"Common Deka, I'm waiting."

This must be a dream. That's it, it must be.

I flicked myself in the face and pinched my skin.

Ok, so I'm not in a dream. Or maybe he called out to the wrong person.

"Master Bakugo, you must have mistaken me for-."

"Deka, enough chit chat and follow me."

Ok so I'm not dreaming and I'm not mistaken for someone else.

So as it goes. I took his hand and followed him to his room. And like an idiot I was, I believed he was the one.

"Take off your clothes."

My jaw dropped.

"Ummm I'm sorry Master Bakugo I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat that one more time."

"Strip to your underwear."

"Master Bakugo I'm not quite comfortable doing this-."

"Now." He whispered into my ear.

"Ok ok ok but on one condition."

"What's that."

"You go first."


He threw his t'shirt off to reveal a nice set of six pack muscle, then started to unbuckle his pants from his belt and stripped down to his underwear.

"Ok, now you." He whispered yet again into my ear.

I must be in heaven. There's no other place I could be in. 

"Master Bakugo."

"Please call me, Katsuki." He winked at me.

"Ummm Katsuki, do you mind if I get undressed while you look the other way."


Dammnit he's tryna make it so much harder for me to strip. I wish he would just turn around at least.


I trembled. As I took off my maid outfit.


"What's the difference in going slower."

"It makes you more sexier and less like an idiot."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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