Lover's & Losers pt. 2

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(Last time on lovers and Losers recap: book 1 episodes 1-20))
  "Courtney: I will see Andre if I want to bitch"
"Brooke: test me Courtney and I'll tell the whole world about how you got a paternity Test for your second child because you slept with William"
"Ashley: you ok brother"
"Andre:'yes I am,I'm going to answer this"
"Andre: Sharon is..."
"Jacob: she's what"
"Andre: she died"
Cut in Andre's house
One week later
Brooke: those doctors got it wrong(she said crying)
Andre: no they said she Lost control of the car And it flipped and they said when the police found her she was unresponsive and...(he starts crying)
Ashley: big brother this can't be right
Andre: I hate to say it but it is and... I don't know what todo I need a drink It's been a weak and I need todo something
Brooke: no Andre you know how you are
Andre: Brooke shut up I need a drink and I'm about to get one
Ashley: just let him go Brooke
Cut out Andre's house cut in Ross home
Km: what happened Last week did Brooke hit you or threaten you
Courtney: she told me to stay away from Andre and how he's happy without me in his life
KM: why would she say that she doesn't know how he feels about you he might wanna get back together with you
Courtney: he might but she knows him well
Km: she might say that but does he feel that way
Cut in Ross home
Courtney: I don't know how Andre feels about me at this point
Keinan: well you need to find out then
Courtney: I guess I'll go find him and talk to him but first I'm going to the bar and get a small drink then I'll go see him
Keinan: you do that because I have to go to the church
Cut out Ross house cut in bar
Andre: tyrone
Tyrone: Andre I haven't seen you here in months
Andre: yeah I know
Tyrone: I haven't seen you since that day Brooke and Sharon tried to get you out of here then you called Brooke a bitch and Sharon smacked you then Brooke grabbed you by the back of yo neck took you out side and through you in the backseat of the car that was funny
Andre: it wasn't for a girl that has baby hands Brooke sure does know how to get her points across
Tyrone: the funniest part is when she came back in here because you jumped out of the car and came back and Brooke came back and got you and Sharon said this is his last time coming here
Andre: the only funny part about that was that I jumped out the car
Tyrone: (he laughs) Um...Andre here's some trouble
(Andre looks behind him)
Andre: so now your fallowing me
Cut in Andre's home
KM:( Opens the door and says) where the hell is brooke
Brooke: you just don't come into someone's house like that
Km: well you came into my house and attacked my sister
Brooke: well your sister told you what happened
Km: duh she did and if my sister wants to see Andre she can and you can't  say anything about because you don't control Andre because he's his own person
Brooke: I'm not controlling him if that's what your trying say
Km: look here your not Stephanie and your not David so don't act like his parents because you come from a dysfunctional family
Jacob: hold up Keinan you and my sister mighgt be arguing but don't bring up our family and to be honest Andre is like our brother and if we don't want Courtney to talk to him then we don't
KM: well Brooke I see why you treat Andre like he's your brother because your actual brother is all about talk just like y'alls father did
Ashley: that's enough keinan
Km: Ashley you can't talk I don't understand why your defending this bastard
Ashley: keinan it's time for you to leave I know your mad at me but don't take it out on them I divorced you for a reason
Km: we were married for 2 years and you divorced me because the doctor said you couldn't have kids your nothing but a cruel and vindictive bitch
Ashley: (starts crying) you are nothing but a loser
Km: Ashley I'm sorry I just
Brooke: leave you son of a bitch or....
Km: (he interrupts her) or what
Brooke: if you don't you'll be going back to Courtney in a body bag and I mean it you sick cruel son of a bitch
Km: hopefully well Finnish this another day Brooke
(Keinan walks out the door)
Cut out Andre's house cut in Bar
Courtney: I'm not following you I just wanted a drink so I came to the bar I didn't know you were going to be here
Andre: well thanks Mack but now it's time for me to leave I have to go home I have guess and Courtney I blame you
Courtney: what for
Andre: for everything that happened last week
Cut in Andre's home
(Andre walks in his house and sees his sister Ashley crying he sits next to her on the couch)

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