Lover's & Losers

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Lovers and Losers EP:1 12/6/17
Cut in
(Jill): (talking on the phone to her soon to be husband)
(Jill): Yes honey... Yes I Did that... but... OK OK OK OK... so will that cost a lot?... mhmmm really... OK so that's all?... yeah OK got it. LOVE YOU Too. hold on so how many people are coming?... Never mind someone's at the door gotta go love you bye
then there's a knock on the door:
AnDreus(Andre): (comes through the door looking for his dad)
Dad... Dad... Dad... Da...(Jill hangs up the phone and comes from the up stairs bed room Andre looks up). oh your here I'll just come back later when my dads back from work.
(Jill): oh no stay he'll be back soon.
(Andre): no i'm good i'll go see him AT WORK or come back.
Cut in Family House (Jill&ANDRE)
(JILL): I said stay we need to talk Andre about me and your fathers wedding. and ab... (Andre interrupts her).
(Andre): Let me stop you right there because this wedding is not going to happen I DON'T TRUST YOU and my dad has better since to marry you because your a lying young whore and oh yeah whats that other thing oh I remember YOUR A SLUT TOO.
(JILL): AWW... well that means a lot from you I wish all of it was true but if I do recall when you dated me you didn't say that now am I right?
(Andre): well that was years ago. but here's the thing you can't stay married to anyone for a long time because you get bored and go sleep with the next man you want to while the other one tries to get you back. but then you get mad when they divorce you and get a new woman you throw a fit and want them back if I do recall. am I right?

(JILL): well UM....
(commercial break)
(zoom in on: William LOOKING at his phone of a picture of his Dad and his mom and smiles. Then he Scrolls over and see"s a picture of his Dad and his soon to be new step mom he throws his phone down then he looks out the window and goes into a deep thinking session about his former lover and almost wife Jill)
(Jill): "William I love you and I don't want what we have to ever end."
(William): "I know I don't want it to either because what we have is something that no one can get in between us never."
(Then his mind switches over to a thought of his brother Andre and Jill and himself)
(Andre): "William when will you understand she's not right for you she is a gold digger and a Liar and a slut and"...(William interrupts him).
(William): "Andre your just mad because she keeps coming to me every single dame chance she gets because you can't take care of a women like her you don't know how to treat a"...(Andre interrupts him)
(Andre): "OH Wow little brother you really think i'm jealous that you have her? Well i'm not because evey time she leaves me its because you always find away to slip in to her underwear and fill her up with butter make her feel good then drop her like a dame hot potato to me to pick up the pieces and i'm sick of it and its not going to happen anymore.(Andre turns around and walks out the door)".(Then William comes back to reality his phone rings its his dad).
WILLIAM): HELLO Dad... yeah...yeah...yeah...I was just about to do that one...yeah it should all be on your desk when you get back...yeah... but dad are you sure you really want to marry Jill out of all the fish in the sea...? (Commercial break)
CUT in family company Williams office:
(William):Oh...WELL LOVE YOU TOO you too dad...yeah...bye
(zoom in on Jill talking to Andre):
(Andre): well i'm waiting on that answer.
(Jill): well i'm not so please leave I Don't want to argue with you but your coming to your fathers wedding right?
(Andre): I would be glad to leave and I wouldn't count on on me coming beca...(Jill cuts him off)
(Jill): this is for your dad to be married to a women he loves and adores.
(Andre): well i don't care you've slept with both of his children but now you want to marry him no i'll pass on my fathers wedding but the real question is do you love care and adore him think about that. (Andre walks out the door).
(Jill): well that was a let down what now.(she says to herself. she looks down her phone rings).
(JILL): what William?... Hello
(WILLIAM): yeah... um.... JILL can you come to my office its important.
(JILL): i'll be there Right away...
(WILLIAM): oh well hi Jill
(JILL): OK whats going on
(WILLIAM): well i need you to give these papers to my dad when you get the chan...
(JILL):that's not the reason you called me here,whats the real reason?
(WILLIAM): what do you mean
(JILL):Don't play dumb with me lucky charms I know you better than you do, cut to the chase what is the real reason you called me here? talk now.
(WILLIAM): well your right i have a question
(JILL): what?
(WILLIAM): instead of marrying my dad today... marry me..?
(ending credits)
Lovers and Losers EP:2
Cut in Williams office:
(William): so are you going to answer my question or are we just going to stand here and look stupid at each other?
(Jill): (about to cry she says) Well i don't know because your father is a great guy and I've had a good opportunity to love a person like this and marry one but i just can't answer this...I...I...I just can't.
(William): Well i do recall i had you first and if i wouldn't have messed things up i'd still have you.
(opening credits)
cut out William's office cut in family home
(David):yep so this is where i want these flowers at and this set i want here and this one um... get rid of this one i don't think we'll need this one and... this picture on the cake change it to this one sorry i'm late telling you this.
(Brooke): oh that's OK Mr King. your soon to be wife informed me that there was a few things that were late notice that you and her might want me to do.
(David): i'm glad she told you because there's so much going on right now that i'd loose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck.
(Brooke): (she giggles). well Mr king this is a lot of hard work your putting into this wedding for your soon to be wife you must really love her if your doing all this for her.
(DAVID): i do. wow you get it I'll be saying that to her soon to her.
(they both laugh)
cut out family home cut in Andre's house (Andre&Andrea's conversation)
(Andre): I really don't feel like going to this wedding. As much as i respect our father i don't like him marrying Jill out of all people she's a slut and i'm pretty sure everyone in town knows that.
(Andrea): well the thing is he's not my dad and your not really my brother but i love you and this family but as much as i agree with you Jill is still my friend and she's made some pretty big mistakes but she still loves your father and i think you should respect that.
(Andre): well your right, but i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that might have something to say about dad marrying Jill.
(commercial break)
cut out convo in Andre's office cut in family home
(David): Brooke before you go hows your bother and sisters?
(Brooke): well Jacob is the same he's doing his usual and happy that soon him and Nikkie will be married and then Donna she's out of town in college As a professor and Katie she's been helping me take care of mom.
(David): well that's good but how is your mother
(Brooke) she's good but there's something about her that's not the same.
(David): well your mom is strong whatever it is she'll tell you guys
(Brooke): thanks Dav your always there when i need you, but I'll see you soon I'm going home and changing then coming back to your wedding.
(David): OK i can't wait to see you again.
CUT out family home cut in Andre's home
(Andrea): well let me guess your talking about your brother who can have any woman in the world
(ANDRE): Well that's the only one i have but yeah he might not like them being together because he was the last one to have her before dad he might not like that he might be trying to charm her as we speak so she can leave dad and go to him.
(Andrea): well you might be right or you might be wrong.
Cut out Andre and Andrea conversation cut in William and Jill.
(Jill): yes you did have me first but your right you messed everything up (she said crying)
(William): yep i did but do you have an answer for me marry me and leave my father
(Jill): my answer... it's (in her head she says yes and she's crying) my's no i'm sorry but i can't I've found love with your dad
(William): WHAT
(JILL): I'm sorry but...I...I"m leaving i hope to see you at the wedding but don't feel sad i still love you
(William): this doesn't add up if you love me then why are you choosing my dad he doesn't know how to treat a woman like you
(Jill): well i love him because he showed me a new me he changed me and i don't want to go back to the old me and cheat on the people and hurt them I'm finally changing you should be happy for me but your not so I'll just leave.(she said crying)\
(William): JILL wait (he grabs her by her arm)
(Jill): let me go
(he leans in and kisses her)
Lovers and losers ep:3
Cut in family home
(the wedding is close to starting the bride is in the room getting ready and the guest are starting to arrive)
(David): oh my goodness you look good Andrea wow who ever haven't gotten you off the market yet. is a loser because you are one nice girl.
(Andrea): Thanks Mr King you don't look bad yourself
(David): thanks i've been waiting to wear  this ever since i met Jill but today is the big day and i'm ready to say i do to Jill
(opening credits)
(Andre): dad you look like a new man you look great but are
you sure that Jill is the right one?
(David): stop that Andre your almost sounding like your brother William. but i think he's jealous that me and Jill are getting married
(Andre): well i think he might be but dad i'd be shocked if he were to show up i hope he does because he needs to face it that she's committed to you even though i really don't like her she seems to make you happy sadly.
(David): true but how are things between you and Sharon.
(Andre): good we've had some up's and down's but we still love each other
(David): well that's good is she coming to the wedding
(Andre): yes she is i need to call her so well catch up later dad. (Andre walks out the door). oh... hey William.
(Commercial break)
Cut out family house cut in outside
(William): well hello to you to brother is dad and everyone else in there
(Andre): yep and Jill is up stairs getting ready for her big day with dad
(William): well i'll go in and talk to everyone (he walks in) well hello there everyone
(Ashley): well if it isn't my other brother (she hugs him) it's been a while since i've seen you
(William): well you need to come around a lot more and stop working all the time and come see us
(Ashley): i'm working on it will but it's hard but you know i love you your my second favorite brother
(William): oh wow i come after Andre?
Cut in family home
(Ashley): well yeah Will he checks on me more he calls and some times he comes and visits but I still love you though
(William):I know you do an...(David interrupted him)
(David): well if it isn't my son William I'm glad your here I was hoping you could come
(William): I am too dad but I'm going to go up stairs real quick in my room and see if I left some papers from work in there because I need you to sign something
(David): shouldn't all my papers all be at work on my desk?
(William): yes sir but that day when you and Jill left to go out of town I came and put some papers in my room so if I ran In To you at the house then I know where they are and give them to you.
(David): oh ok well go get them after the wedding I'll Sign them
(William): ok I'll be right back.
(Ashley): Dad do you think you should have told him that that's where Jill is getting dressed at
(David): oh well to late but I'm pretty sure shes not naked or anything like that.
Cut out family home living room cut in Williams room
(William opens up the door)
(William): oh Jill your in my room getting ready I didn't know that
Jill: well as you can see yes I am.hey Andrea can you leave us for a moment.
Andrea: sure I'll be down stairs if you need me I'll come back up here when I see William come down.(Andrea walks out and cracks the door thinking she closed it completely).
William: well you look nice Jill well beyond nice you look sexy
Jill: thank you but you don't have to take it that far William because I'm about to become your step mother.
William: oh are you.are you really? 
Cut in king family home living room
David: Andrea I'm guessing that my wife is ready to get this wedding started?
Andrea: no not yet she's putting on her finishing touches
David: and what about William what is he doing up there
Andre: yeah what is my brother doing up there (he says coming back from outside)
Andrea:well from what I know he's talking to her.
Andre: mhmm
Cut in Williams room cut out living room
Jill: no we're not playing this game we're not doing this William and Jill love thing it ends right here right now Today william
William: why Jill... why does it have to end today it can continue
Jill: it can't I'm marring your father
William: you weren't talking about my father when we kissed earlier
Jill: well I am now because that's wrong
William: what's wrong is that you keep trying to hide your true feelings for me every since that kiss
Jill: William get out just leave
William: no... no I won't you mean a lot to me I'm not leaving until you say you love me and until you tell me and show me how you really feel about me. Because you know I'm Irresistible and I'm attached to you like a magnet.
Jill: oh William
(Jill moves closer to him)
(They kiss for the second time that day. But they didn't know that someone was outside of the door watching them and taking a picture of the kiss that they just had. Who is this mysterious person)?
Cut in up stairs in William's room
Jill: what was that William?
William: it was nothing but this door is cracked and I thought it was closed
Jill: you don't think no one saw us do you
William: no and calm down
Jill: this is why we shouldn't have done this we shouldn't have kissed in the first place (she said crying) I hate myself for this why William why.(she smacked him)
Cut in living room of king house
(Brooke and her brother Jacob and Nikkie came)
Ashley: bestfriend hi I'm back
Brooke: really BestFriend there's so much we need to talk about
(On there hand Andre was talking to Jacob)
Andre: man Jacob you don't understand how much I miss Sharon I know she's coming to this wedding but I wish she would hurry up
Jacob: man you know how women are they take so long to get ready plus that dark girl friend of yours she probably turned out the light and she can't find her close
Andre: wow Jacob a joke at Sharon so mean (he said laughing)
Nikkie: what y'all laughing at
Andre: well your boyfriend he is making jokes on my girl friend
Nikkie: wow but Andre how have you been
Andre: I've been pretty good me and Sharon have been hanging out more but my dad is marring a slut today and I'm trying to get as drunk as I Can I don't have to stay for the whole thing
Nikkie: don't be mean Andre
Andre: I know...I know

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