Chapter 1

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Hey thanks for reading and Izuku usually dresses like above when not wearing school uniform, I do not claim ownership for any of the art.
Izuku's POV (He's 14 currently)
I heard my alarm blaring and reluctantly opened my eyes. I switched it off and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I got up and glanced at myself in the mirror. I had dark bags under my eyes, since I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep last night and that was a good night. Curse my insomnia. My always messy green and black hair looked as ruffled as usual. I ran a hand through my hair, to be honest it's actually quite fluffy and almost never tangles so I don't really bother brushing it. I had freckles all over my face, I glared at the dull emerald green eyes staring back at me. They used to be shining with light...A long time ago. When I was happy. To be honest I don't really remember what it feels like, it's been so long since I actually felt happy. Sure I fake a bright smile every now and then when someone actually cares enough to ask how I am. "I'm fine". That's what I always say. "I'm fine", I'm not and I don't really remember the last time I was, which is saying something since I have photographic memory (or idetic memory to be more technical, I may or may not have got that idea from a certain Sheldon cooper😉) . I went to the bathroom to get ready for school.

~Time skip brought to you by Izuku's Insomnia~

I grabbed my bag, already changed in my middle school uniform. I accidentally elbowed the place where my particularly painful bruise was. I got hit with an empty glass beer bottle from my mom. Ugh, she's not that much of a mother, she blames me for dad leaving. I have proof I'm not the reason but he asked my not to tell her and I respect him, unlike her. At that time, Luna chose to come stalking in with her tail held high. She rubbed herself against my legs. I bent down and scratched the top of her head, behind her ears just how she likes it. Luna is the one light in my life. I probably would've committed suicide if I didn't have her. I quietly crept to the kitchen to grab an apple and fill up Luna's bowl. I slung my bag over my shoulder and left after giving Luna an affectionate scratch behind her ears as she purred gratefully.

I walked to school taking the usual route past dagobah beach. It was a beautiful sight in the early morning. It used to be full of trash but I cleaned it up. Don't think I'm amazingly strong or anything, yeah I have muscles and a six pack but it took me 18 months to finish, and that was with help from the local community, as they saw what the 'mysterious' do gooder was doing and got the hint and helped out. Of course no one knew it was me and if they did I doubt they'd even believe it was me.

I arrived at school and to my relief I had arrived earlier than Kacchan and his cronies. He hated me. He always makes fun of me and beats me up, he knows I won't say anything. Especially cause I don't talk much besides even if I did tell a teacher, they wouldn't help me because they adored Kacchan and hated me and my villainous quirk.

I sat down at my seat and put on my super expensive, good quality, sound cancelling headphones 🎧 . I got them by saving up at the part time job I work, at a cat cafe. I got them for myself last year on my birthday. As if anyone else would get me anything let alone even remember when it was. Luckily the sound cancelling could be switched off because I didn't wanna miss the bell, I rested my head and my hand and zoned out. I was startled out of it by the teacher throwing papers in the air and everyone going nuts. I quickly slipped my headphones around my neck. I looked up again to see Kacchaan standing on his desk ranting about how he was gonna surpass all might ( No way in hell am I typing out that whole egotistical speech). 'Cocky bastard' I thought. What no I can't think like that, it'll make me as bad as him. 'Who cares, no one will know'. I am frustrating. I sat up straight in my seat when I heard the teacher call out my name. "Oh yeah Midoriya you wanna go to UA too right. General studies if I'm not mistaken".

I kept a calm face up front as everyone turned to stare at me. Internally I was panicking, I hate unecessary attention. Everyone immediately broke out in whispers and quick glances. I heard a " might not let in villains, you know" and "At least he's not aiming for the hero course, he'll be turned down before he even takes the exam". You might be thinking why aren't I taking the hero course. Well you see that's the plan eventually, to transfer, but I have no where near enough self-esteem to actually try out for the hero course exams. I scanned the room and caught the death glare of a certain crimson eyed Male. I gulp, knowing I'm gonna get hell after class.

The bell rings and I slowly pack my stuff, my lack of sleep is catching up to me. Suddenly a hand slams on my desk, emitting smoke. I look up to the fiery gaze of none other than Katsuki Bakugo. He smirks at my terrified expression and started talking. "Your not as dumb as you look, trying out for general studies instead of the hero course" Of course Kacchan knows my intent to become a hero we were childhood friends after all " They don't allow villains you. Unlike you I'm going to destroy the Hero course exam. There are people who are destined to become a hero. They walk down the street and people recognise their talent. I'm one of those people and people on the street will start looking at me like that once I get into UA" 'Once? Just how big is this guy's ego' thought Izu "Just remember your place Villain" he said spitting out that last word. He smirked and walked to the doorway and paused than said " If you really wanna be a hero that bad, why dont you do us all a favour and take a swan dive off the roof" he cackled, departing. Silent tears streamed down my face. How Pathetic.

I grabbed my stuff and rushed out the classroom glad that he at least hadn't touched any of my stuff. I was walking through a tunnel under a bridge when I heard a sloshing sound and suddenly I was covered in goop. I couldn't breathe. "Thanks kid your a real hero, a nice medium skin suit, I had no idea he was in town. Stop struggling it'll make things easier" All the things he'd been told suddenly came rushing through his head.
Waste of space
You're why your father left me
Take a swan dive off the roof

Yep a cliffhanger. Thanks for reading, see ya next time😋

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