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"Don't.. touch me." I whispered hoarsely and cringed under the ratty blanket.

He smirked, "No problem, Aubrey."

What? "My name is Maggie and it's been so ever since I was born." I said.

"Oh please. I know more about your birth than you. I know exactly what your thinking right now too. I am pretty charming, huh?" He laughed.

My hands and legs and stomach felt numb. I was paralyzed because I was focusing on those blue eyes and the way his lips were so close. He was exactly right.

"I have a rape whistle, okay?" I said shakily. A rape whistle, Maggie? Sometimes I was such a bad liar.

"Ha. I'm good." He said and I felt my cheeks burn.

"Back off, will you?" I scowled.

"Are we a little squimish?" He grinned and climbed on top of me pinning me to the matress.

My lip quivered.

"Naughty girl," he laughed.

Me an my stupid thoughts! I barely even knew this boy and he was on top of me.

"You want me to give you a birthday present?" He asked seductively. He didn't wait for an answer. His soft lips latched on to my neck and he ran his fingers down my neck, circling the place where my nightgown was buttoned and he slowly unbuttoned them and continued making the circles. By now I was breathless even though my heart was almost jumping out of my chest.

"They all give in so easily," He whispered in my ear, retreating.

"What the hell, are you some kind of child molester?" I asked angrily.

"Calm down. When your cheeks flame up it makes you look even uglier."

"I've never met a girl who made her allusion uglier than her own self" He said, amused.

"For fucks sake, tell me what your talking about." I said.

"It seems the girl with no words has quite a venomous vocabulary." He said. "Aubrey, I'm Guide Number 50781."

"In English?" I asked, utterly confused and intoxicated with the smell of him.

"Jake Hughes. I know almost everything about you. I'm your own personal stalker. Sorry about being such a tease, your thoughts were screaming at me and I took the chance of satisfying them." He said, as he twirled my hair.

"Why are you here?" I asked, still confused.

"Your one of me. You have abilities beyond every other human. Every kid such as yourself allusions themselves from the world. They usually make themselves look perfect, beautiful beyond comparison to anyone. You, however, shut yourself out and made your hair look stringy and your eyes dull and flat. You interest me, Aubrey."

"What do I look like then?" I asked.

"Better than crap. Just look into the mirror over there." He pointed to the bathroom.

My hair laid in soft curls down my back. Those spots on my forehead were gone and so were the scars on my wrist. My eyes had a piercing effect now. Green and bright.

"I'll never get why you did such horrible things to your arms." He said softly.

"I hated myself." I replied simply.

"It's easy to hate someone beautiful, I've heard." He said.

I looked at him to see if this was genuine or just another crack.

There was a loud crash and amazingly my roommates did not even make a peep. "Oh Jakey, you making out with another girl again? Mmm it makes me so jealous," The girl said in a moan.

"You are?" I asked.

"His fiancee." She bit out.

"Hey Clarissa," he said almost half-heartedly.

"Congratulations, a slut and a molester. Perfect couple." I snapped.

He smiled at me but Clarissa all but burned me at a stake. "Who are you calling a slut, you little bitch? When you just let a stranger all over you. I bet you'd just open your legs to any guy willing to take out the trash." She snapped.

I shut up immediately. This is why I never talk. The fear of getting beaten down by someone with more power and bigger boobs.

Jake snickered and I knew he just heard what I said. Thought. Whatever.

"You got a little skin on that makeup... trying hard, maybe?" I smiled.

"Your giving me so many reasons to kick that tiny ass of yours to hell." She said and I knew I had won. Jake was looking at me amazed, and, well I liked it.

15 Birthdays PastWhere stories live. Discover now