"What is up with this guy, is he like a zombie or something?" Veracity asked, "How are you so calm?" She asked Harris

"Panic does no good in a time like this." Harris said.

"HURRY UP HuRRY Up!" I screamed

"We need a couple weapons." Harris said.

"Uh what do we have. Two umbrellas with metal tips." Veracity exclaimed

"Motherboards." Harris said.

"Multiple laptop batteries." Veracity grabbed them and put them with the other stuff.

"Duct Tape." Spyder said. They started assembling the weapons while I tried to get rid of the zombie dude.

"Three, two one." I yelled and burst free, while Harris and Spyder zapped the guy.

"Okay, give me one of those." I told Harris and he handed me his. "Let's clear a path and get to Ryan and Mark." I told them.

"We gotta get the police." Veracity said while running. We started running further into the school, "Hey the exit's this way." She told us

"And our friends are this way." I told her while running off. We found Ryan and Mark cornered and I did the obvious. I started blasting the students with my umbrella machine and so did Spyder. We cleared a path to Ryan and Mark.

"Why is every school a death trap?" I asked

"Harris, any ideas?" Ryan asked. Spyder and I started blasting the students with our beams of electricity but they were closing in on us. Then my machine stopped working.

"Damnit!" I yelled and started hitting it, nothing! Plasma time. I started shooting plasma out of my hands instead, enough so it wouldn't kill them but it would keep them back.

"A plan, please!" I yelled at Mark, Harris and Ryan.

"Yea, no guys take your time, nothing going on here except blasting my fellow students." Spyder said

"Alright you two, plow the road." Harris said, "Uh what happened to your machine?"

"It stopped working, so I resorted to plasma, don't worry it won't kill them. Hopefully." I added on at the end while blasting the students, creating a wide path.

"HOPEFULLY?!" Harris yelled.

"yea, where to?" I asked

"Blast freezer in the cafeteria." Mark said. Spyder and I ran ahead blasting students.

"Okay, I will guard the entrance and you guys get that hair sample." I told them. They went inside and I started blasting the students back. After a couple seconds, they retreated and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then one grabbed me. It was zombie Evan.

"Evan? Evan. It's me, Lizzy. The girl you took on a date 5 times," Long story don't ask, "It's me." That didn't do anything and my hands were pinned to my side. I didn't wanna kill him or hurt him. Fuck my life, I'm in love again. Harris, Spyder, Ryan and Mark burst out of the freezer.

"You can treat him with ice and cold!" Harris told me. I nodded and summoned ice to my hands and let it cover his body. He went stiff. I thawed him slightly, wiggled out of his grip and left.

"alright, Lizzy, you're with me and Spyder." I nodded and we ran outside. Ryan, Spyder and I ran to a deserted area near the school lot and huddled together.

"Three...two...one." Ryan said and the robot whooshed us up to the control room. I ran to my station and started arming ice balls.

"Charging cold cannon." Spyder said.
"I'm armed and the school's completely empty." I told them.

"Mech Xecute." Ryan said. We started blasting the school. I aimed individual ice balls and Ryan and Spyder swept the general area.

"And... done!" I cheered

"Sweet! No more ooze zombies." Spyder cheered

*timeskip to the next day*

"Hey Veracity!" I called. She was handing Harris the data core. She waved and approached me.

"Hey, um... you're friends with Lily right?" She asked me

"Yes...why?" I asked warily

"She's gay, right?" She asked me again

"Bi." I corrected

"Could you maybe introduce me to her. I mean, like you don't have to but like if you wanna." Veracity told me. I gasped and grinned.

"OMIGOSH! YESSSSS! Okay, we have gym first and we're doing the mile run, so you two can be partners. Don't worry, she likes you too. I mean she's been asking me to introduce you to her but every time I try, something gets in the way, so yes I will introduce her. You two are my OTP!" I assured her and squealed. Veracity rolled her eyes.

"I should've asked someone else." She muttered. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to where Lily was.

"Hey Lizzy. Oh, h-hi Veracity." She stuttered out, her voice cracking on hi.

"Yo." Veracity said

"Veracity, Lily. Lily, Veracity. I thought you guys would hit it off, you know since the both of you practically begged me to introduce you to the other, not really." I noticed them glaring at me and I gulped, "I'm gonna go now." I smiled and ran away. I bumped into Evan.

"Oh hi." I said quickly.

"Hey, you have gym first, right?" I nodded. "Great, can we be partners for the mile run, assuming you don't have one?" He asked me. I nodded again and we went to gym.

*timeskip again*

We were hanging out in the robot afterschool. Mark put his shoes with the gravity pucks, as I later found out, into the drawer where we keep the larger gravity pucks. I was going through the different technopath test subjects thanks to Veracity. I was looking for anyone that bore some similarities to either me or Ryan, but I wasn't paying too much attention.

"Who are they?" Ryan asked.

A/N: Yes I decided to make Veracity bi/gay. Idc what you guys think, I need more representation of the LGBTQ+ community in this book! I'm also making Harry (that one OC who plays Tanner in the school play subplot) gay so uh, who do you think he would be best suited for, just like based off information given. Also, for the mile run part, in our school we do 17 laps around the gym and need a partner to keep track of the individual time. Unrelated but I'm learning how to code in python, be proud of me. Luv u guys, 


Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now