chapter 8

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(Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ C)
(A/N: Its about to go down, not all the way though)

Its only been so long Enji waited, he won't go to far, theres always a limit.
He sunk his teeth in the blondes neck, hungry to go deeper. He slid his hands on Toshi's back and kept making love bites on the poor boy.
Toshi couldn't say anything to the redhead, drool dripping down his mouth and his hands clawing at Enji's back. His body was his nemesis, one touch from the other would drive him to the very edge. They never did this often, last time Lucifer had walked in on them and took a picture, than ran off.
Enji loved teasing his poor bunny, the only thing he hated was the dreadful scars that had imprinted Toshi's body.
He knew how much he drove his bunny to the edge everytime he touched him, and he absolutely loved it.
He looked down to his master piece, Toshi was sprawled on the bed with his entire body imprinted with the love bites Enji had placed on his body.
Enji saw Toshi mouthing the words
' More'
"More? Are you sure? I don't think my little bunny will last much longer." Enji had huffed his words on Toshis neck.
Enji's hands placed themselves to the bulge within Toshi's pants. More is what he wants, so more is what he'll get. " I'm going to ask you one more time. Are you sure you want More?" Enji eyes glared at Toshi with full aggressive lust. He felt Enji start to grind himself against him. Toshi couldn't moan as much as Enji would like, but he knows he's enjoying it. This went on for a few minutes, the pain of the clothes was now starting to bother Enji, and he wanted them off. He ripped the pants clean off from Toshi's body, thats better. Toshi tried to cover himself, but Enji quickly grabbed his hands in place. " I don't think so, you're putting on quite a show for me." Enji growled. Oh how much Toshi just wanted to scream, the sensation of so much pleasure was driving him to the edge. Enji kept moving more faster, grinding himself against Toshi as much as possible. Minutes felt like hours. Toshi's breathing was becoming slow, he tried to give Enji a heads up, but he couldn't speak. They both relieved themselves knowing the mess the made, and tried to clean up. *knock* * knock*
" Hello? All Might? Endeavor? Its me principle Nezu, I've heard that class 1-A has given you this dorm room, is everything alright in there?" They heard a voice on the other side of the door. " Uhhh, y-yeah! Everything's fine!" Enji yelled out to the door.
" Good to hear! Is it alright if you open the door ? I just want to talk to you two for a bit." They heard Nezu ask.
" S-sure! Give us a sec!" Enji yelled out again. Well, good thing they didn't do too much. Enji helped Toshi throw his clothes on and then opened the door for Nezu. On the other side Enji, was greeted with not only the principle, but also with the teachers of UA.
" OH MY GOD!!! he looks sooo cute! For a man thats always angry I'd never thought he'd look this adorable in his youth!" A women said with dark purple hair. Enji didn't pay her any mind, for Toshi had triedly leaned himself next to Enji. This time, all of their eyes widen.
" Is that......All Might?" A man with yellow hair asked. " Ah yes, we would like to ask you b-boys, a few questions, it'll be quick, I promise." Nezu spoke with an uneasy tone. " Ask away then." Enji sighed.

" Where were you both?"

" At a hating hero society, where we were trained, beaten, and tested on."

" Do you remember anything?"

" We only know that we used to be heros of the names All Might and Endeavor, other than that, we know nothing."

" What were you trained and tested on?"

" we were trained to strengthen our quirks, All Might, on the other hand, went through more than I did, he no longer has that super strong quirk that you know of."

" What is his quirk?"

" I don't know for sure, but he has the ability to take something and have the free will to do what ever he wants with it, though if he's not careful his quirk can corrupt him to a monster."

Unfinished bond ( Enji x Toshinori) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin