Chapter 4

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The drive back home was very awkward, in my opinion. Just something about being trapped in a little beat up car, in between your two friends, who are making lovey-dovey eyes at each other; your mother and a rock star sitting up front, and they say that they need to have a talk with you when we all get home. 

Very awkward.

And I just sat there, knowing that something was up. Why the fuck was Andy still here? Why was he spending nights with my mom now? What was with the glance that Andy gave me on the night that we had met? And Angelo's comment about me and Andy looking the same. What the hell? I mean, we have the same eyes, lips, and original blond hair color, but I mean... Wait a fucking second! Was Angelo right for once, and this is what this is all about? 

I glanced at Mom, and to the road in front of us. We where almost home, and that meant that the talk was coming. My stomach started to turn, and my palms were getting sweaty. I didn't want Angelo and Vixen to leave me here with Mom and Andy. It would be weird as fuck!

Slowly, Mom pulled into the driveway, and Vixen and Angelo jumped out of the car as fast as possible. Could they not see that I wanted them to stay? Angelo told my mom how him and Vixen where going to go down to his house for a bit, and how they would be back by dinner. Both of them mumbled their's goodbyes to me, before speeding down the street. 

"Do they live here?" Andy asked. Mom started to explain how when Vixen's older sister killed herself, Vixen basicly stays all day with us and then goes home very late. And how Angelo is just part of the package. 

All of us got out of the car, and walked up to the house. Mom and Andy walked up front, and me trailing behind them. Mom quickly got the door unlocked, and all of us went into the living room. I sat in my seat, which is just a old leather chair, and they sat on the couch. Mom rested her face in her hands, her elbows resting on her knees. I could hear her blowing out air. Clearly, this, whatever it is, is hard to say. "Ivy... I never liked lying to you. Never. But I'm guessing that you know that I've been lying for many years now?" 

"Mmhmm." Was the only noise that I could make. 

"And you know that you were too young for me to tell you the real reason why your father walked out right?" I nodded. "Well, I'm pretty sure that you guessed this, but Andy is your father... And now, I think--! No! I know, that you're old enough to know why he walked out on us."

I stared at Mom, waiting for her to say why this... man... left us. What made him so sick that he couldn't stay with his own family, or at least made him leave his only child. 

"It was me..." Mom whispered it so low that, I barely caught it."It was around a year after you where born, and your father was out of town for a couple of days with his family. We had just said our final goodbyes, and his band was just finishing up too. Andy soon left, and me and the band where walking out of the airport. Everyone rode together in the official Black Veil Brides' van, so Pan, one of the past guitarist, and I where the last ones. Him driving. 

"So we got back to Andy and I's place, and I invited him inside... You where over at Vixen's house, so don't think anything bad like that... But one thing lead to another, and the next morning I was waking up in someone else's arms." I looked down at the floor. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My own mother was the reason why my father had left us so many years ago. She's the reason why I never knew this man, she's the reason why I never had a normal childhood like everyone else, she's the reason why we have such a hard time. All because she made one stupid decision.

"Ivy," Andy finally decided to speak up in all of this "I didn't ever want to leave you. In fact, I told your mother right before I left that I was going to come back someday for you. And now I have." 

I stared at him. What? 

"Ivy," Mom's voice was heavy. She was going to cry. "I think that it would be better if you went and lived with Andy. He can give you a better life than I can, and that's all that I ever wanted for you. A better life. So tomorrow, you have to pack up all of your stuff. You're going to be continuing the rest of the tour with the guys, and then you're going to... live with Andy for a while."

"Will you at least be going too!?" I screamed. I stood up, and looked down at her. She was the only real family that I ever really knew. The only one that ever stood around at least. 

Mom didn't answer with words, but I knew by the way that she was crying that she wasn't going along too. "Mom, how can you think that I'm going to be able to leave Vixen and Angelo!? How can I leave you too!? You're the only family that I ever knew! You're the only one that hasn't ever left me." I could see Andy flinches out of the corner of my eye. "How... How can you just let me go?"

Mom cleared her throat before speaking. "Ivy, this is so hard for me... Trust me... But Andy has rights to see you too. Your his child too, not just mine. Ivy, you are going, and there is no way out of this. You leave tomorrow, like I said." Mom looked up at me, and at that moment I finally realized that I was crying. I mean, I was having to leave everything behind. "Oh, Baby Girl. Look, I'm going to come out there as much as I can. Even though, we both know that's not going to be a lot, but I'm still going to try. And-"

"And I'll let you come back as much as you want." Andy cut in. Mom grabbed my hands, and pulled me in between her and Andy. Mom pulled me into arms, and kept them there. 

"I love you so much, Baby Girl. Don't ever think that I don't." Mom whispered in my ear. 

"I love you too, Momma." I whispered back.

"You're leaving!?" Vixen shrieked. I had just told her and Angelo all that had happened. They had came back to dinner, and now we are up in my room, as Mom and Andy are still talking about the plans over me. 

I nodded, as she blew up at me more. Finally she fell onto the bed and curled up into a ball. "Y-You can't l-l-leave. You-ur my sis-ssy, Ivy. I-I need y-you." Me and Angelo glanced at each other. She was going to have a panic attack. 

"Mom! Help!" I yelled, as I sat next to Vixen. I could hear footfall on the stairs, and I tried to help Vixen. "Hey, don't worry. I'm going to be home as much as possible. I'm not going to be gone forever." Mom and Andy ran into my room. Mom looked over to Angelo, and she nodded. Mom came over, and started talking to her. I got off the bed, and so did Angelo. All three of us stood there, and Vixen finally passed out. 

"Angelo, Ivy," Mom looked over at us "stay with her, as Andy and I go get her mom." 

Oh God, why is goodbyes always so hard?

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