Chapter 1 (UA here i come!!)

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No ones POV
"Good morning papa and dad and hey little sis.." y/n said walking out of the room after waking up from his sleep "good morning son" Hizashi said to him while cooking brea
kfast in the kitchen of course "good mornin
g kid" Shouta said to him sitting at the dini
ng table drinking his coffee "good morning
nii-chan!!" eri said to him and jumping hap
py to see him "so what's for breakfast papa
??" y/n said to his papa Hizashi "well were going to have toast bread and eggs for bre
ak fast!!" Hizashi said smilling to y/n "yey!!"
Y/n said smilling and sit on the chair in dini
ng room beside eri was sitting in

-after breakfast-

"Ok uniform check bag check books check and hair check!!" i said smilling while gettin
g ready for school "oh yea dont forget my headphones" i said almost forgetting my favorite headphones i put my bag on my shoulder and my headphones on my ears
(;-;)'UA here i come!!' i thought in my head

Author talk: (about your quirk)
Oh yea you must didn't know what your quirk is well if you notice the title and your headphones your quirk is music pros is that you can sing and it gives you power to make music notes come out of your hands and attack enemies if you sing a song that is like loud maybe ;-; the stronger your music notes is and more powerful you are the cons is that if you sing more long your voice will get raspy and the music notes will be more less powerful and more long enough you will be mute but dont worry it will take maybe 2 to 3 days to be able to get your voice back now get back to the story!!.

Y/n's POV
"Gonna go now papa dad and eri!!" i said to them walking out of the house "wait brother can i come with you to school dad allowed me to come with you!!" eri said run
Ing to me "sure eri come on hold my hand here" i said to her holding out my hand while smilling "yey!!" she said happilly taking my hand in hers "now let's go!!" i said in confidence "ya!!" she said grinning
We started walking on the sidewalk a lot of people where smilling at us because of us smilling but some others look at eri that looks like she's a monster but i gave them glares a sign that you shouldn't be looking at her like that we arrived at UA "wow!!" me and eri said at the same time "let's go now nii-chan!!" eri said looking up at me cause she's shorter than me "yea!" i said smilling at her walking with her to school
"Oh yeah who will walk you home eri!?" i said panicking "dont worry dad said he will take care of me here!!" she said smilling at me "wait dad world here ??" i said in confusion "yup he told me that!!" she said smilling at me "ok then.." i said with °>° eyes and started walking to school with eri
'Now where is class 1A...' i said looking around the hallway "nii-chan there there!!" she said to me pointing to something i then look where she is pointing and there was a door with 1A on it "wow thx eri!!" i said smilling at her "now....what am i gonna do now your not allowed in this classroom..." i said to myself "dad said he's the teacher here!!" eri said to me "what...." i said to her looking at her with •-• face "ok then....i dont have to worry about who's gonna take care of you..." i said sliding the door and walk in with eri hand in hand when we walk in the students in the classroom went quiet and look at us in surprise ".....what stop looking at me and my sister!" i said to them glaring "hey chill bro we were just surprise!!" a red head guy said to me putting his hands up in defense "soo your the new student here huh??" he said to me "yea.." i said holding a little tight to eri's hand "well the names kirishima!!" kirishima said smiling "oh.........
my names y/n" i said to him getting more comfortable with him "hey kiri dont leave us out!!" a blond boy said to kirishima "my name is kaminari!!" he said putting his hands on his hips in confidence while looki
ng at me grinning "my name is mina!!" mina said grinning too everyone then introduce to me i smiled i felt happy here....
But...there's this one guy he's name is bakugo he's'wait what did I just think!?!' I thought to myself still holding eri's hand while my face is red "oo oh do u have a crush y/n kun!!" Uraraka sai
d to me "soon y/n has a crush!!" Kirishiman
then said looking at me "what no no no I d
ont have a crush on someone!?" I said putt
ing my hands in defense letting go of eri's hand "ok then~" Mina said smirking at me
'I don't have a crush on bakugo....right?'.
Hi everyone thanks for reading this chapter
And I love you your worth it your loved your amazing and your worthy UvU bye now!!

music to my ears (bakugo x male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن