The Bird in the House - Y/n owns a cage?

Start from the beginning

Charlie then dragged Emma out of the kitchen, but someone knocked the door, Y/n looked to see a man with a clip board

???: "hello? I'm from the why-if company, oh? my colleagues are already here"

Y/n: "so you do work for my internet provider"

Akane: "I know that you didn't believe me, but I wouldn't lie to you"

Y/n: "debatable at best"

???: "actually she is the most honest person on the office"

Y/n: "as I said, debatable"

Y/n glared at Akane, Latina was confused and slightly scared, Y/n never really glared at people

???: "Akane, Himeji, are you done?"

Himeji: "yes, we'll be leaving now"

Himeji stood up and walked towards Y/n, she handed him a piece of paper

Himeji: "call me"

Y/n: "okay?"

Himeji: "right now"

 Y/n: "excuse me?"

 Y/n: "excuse me?"

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Himeji: "CALL.ME.NOW"

Y/n: "okay"

Y/n called her as she stood in front of him while letting it ring, she continued to stair at Y/n before he hang up

Himeji: "I'll call you later, darling"

she left as Weiss hugged Y/n's cheek with pure fear in her eyes, she trembled as Y/n began petting Weiss to calm her down, Akane tried to talk to Y/n but he just ignored her, she let out a sad sigh before leaving, Charlie dragged Emma to the front door

Charlie: "thank you for looking after Emma, I know that she can be a handful"

Y/n: "don't worry, she was a complete sweat heart"

Charlie: "oh okay"

Y/n gave Charlie her pets back before watching her leave, Y/n closed the door and walked back into his kitchen, he looked at his table to see Charlie's phone number, she used a marker pen to draw on his table, Y/n sighed as he saw Pyrrha looked at it, she had a angry face, Y/n placed a finger near Pyrrha as she saw it, she instantly smile and placed a hand on his finger

Pyrrha: "ARH-WOO!"

Pyrrha gave Y/n a big smile as she happily wagged her tail, but Nora the bit his ear

Y/n: "ow, ow, ow, ow"

Y/n took Nora off his ear and placed her on the table with Neo and while, but Pyrrha slowly got jealous as she bit Y/n's finger

Y/n took Nora off his ear and placed her on the table with Neo and while, but Pyrrha slowly got jealous as she bit Y/n's finger

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