Chapter 1

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Jade's P.O.V:

Little Mix was practicing their songs. My phone vibrated. It was my boyfriend Sam Crascke.

From: Sam

Hey need to talk to you immediatly. Can we meet aty house.

From: Jade

Sure be there in five. ;-)

Sam's P.O.V:

Jade was becoming less fun. Plus I liked another chick. I heard jade pull over at my lot. My new girlfriend came out of the room. I relized i was nude. Fuck! I went to my room fast.

Jade's P.O.V:

I rang on sams doorbell. A blond chick opened the door. She was wearing Sam's tee. WTF! Sam came out he was half nude. "You asshole! You cheated on me with this bitch. And supposly I'm the sick one! It's over" he grabbed me by the wrist. Let go! I screamed. I drove quickly to the hotel room me and Pezzy were staying at. I burst into tears.

The one that got away( A Nade Fanfiction )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant